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Isabelle Robert
Route De Crec'h Lagadurien
Pleumeur Bodou


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  • Parc du Radôme: Located in Pleumeur Bodou, Parc du Radôme is an interactive science park that offers various attractions like the Cité des Télécoms, a telecommunications museum, and the Planétarium de Bretagne, where visitors can explore the wonders of the universe.
  • Île-Grande: A small island just off the coast of Pleumeur Bodou, Île-Grande is known for its scenic beauty and tranquil atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy picturesque walks along the coastline, relax on the sandy beaches, and explore the charming village.
  • Le Village Gaulois: Situated in Pleumeur Bodou, Le Village Gaulois is an open-air museum that recreates the atmosphere of a Gaulish village from the Iron Age. Visitors can discover the daily life and traditions of the Gauls through reconstructed buildings, workshops, and demonstrations.
  • Planetarium of Bretagne: Located within Parc du Radôme, the Planetarium of Bretagne offers captivating shows about astronomy and the cosmos. Visitors can learn about celestial bodies, constellations, and the history of space exploration through immersive and educational presentations.
  • Jardin du Kestellic: Situated in Pleumeur Bodou, Jardin du Kestellic is a beautiful botanical garden that showcases a wide variety of plants and flowers. Visitors can stroll along the paths, admire the colorful displays, and relax in the peaceful surroundings.
  • Château de Kerduel: Located in Trégastel, just a short drive from Pleumeur Bodou, Château de Kerduel is an elegant castle surrounded by a vast park. Visitors can explore the historic building, admire the architecture, and enjoy the scenic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Ploumanac'h Lighthouse: Situated in Perros-Guirec, a nearby town, Ploumanac'h Lighthouse is a striking landmark perched on a rugged coastline. Visitors can enjoy panoramic views of the sea, take a walk along the picturesque Sentier des Douaniers (Customs Officers' Path), and marvel at the unique rock formations.
  • Côte de Granit Rose: The Pink Granite Coast, located near Perros-Guirec, is renowned for its stunning rock formations and beautiful beaches. Visitors can explore the unique pink granite cliffs, relax on the sandy shores, and witness the extraordinary colors during sunset.
  • Aquarium Marin de Trégastel: Situated in Trégastel, the Aquarium Marin de Trégastel is a fascinating marine aquarium that showcases a wide range of sea creatures. Visitors can observe various species of fish, sharks, and other marine life in their natural habitats. 10. Ploumanac'h Beach: Located in Perros-Guirec, Ploumanac'h Beach is a popular destination known for its fine sand and crystal-clear waters. Visitors can relax on the beach, swim in the refreshing sea, and enjoy various water sports activities. Please note that the availability and opening hours of these attractions may vary, so it's recommended to check their official websites or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information.

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