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Murielle Groell
220 Chemin De Suous
Trans En Provence



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04 94 84 97 50


06 77 61 60 80

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  • Gorges du Verdon: Located about 45 kilometers northeast of Trans En Provence, the Gorges du Verdon is a magnificent canyon often referred to as the "Grand Canyon of Europe." Visitors can enjoy breathtaking views, go hiking, kayaking, or even take a boat tour along the turquoise waters of the Verdon River.
  • Thoronet Abbey: Situated just 4 kilometers west of Trans En Provence, Thoronet Abbey is a Cistercian monastery founded in the 12th century. It is renowned for its exceptional Romanesque architecture and serene atmosphere. Guided tours are available to explore the abbey and learn about its rich history.
  • Saint-Tropez: A glamorous coastal town located approximately 25 kilometers south of Trans En Provence. Saint-Tropez is famous for its luxurious yachts, vibrant nightlife, and beautiful sandy beaches. Stroll along the charming streets, visit the iconic port, or relax at one of the trendy beach clubs.
  • Fréjus Roman Theater: Found in the nearby town of Fréjus, this ancient Roman theater is a well-preserved archaeological site from the 1st century AD. It offers a glimpse into the region's Roman past and hosts occasional concerts and events. Visitors can explore the amphitheater and admire the views from the top tiers.
  • Massif des Maures: A stunning mountain range located west of Trans En Provence, the Massif des Maures offers picturesque landscapes and numerous hiking trails. Nature enthusiasts can discover the diverse flora and fauna while enjoying panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Port Grimaud: Known as the "Venice of Provence," Port Grimaud is a charming seaside village situated approximately 30 kilometers southwest of Trans En Provence. Built on a network of canals, this unique town features colorful houses, bridges, and waterfront cafes. Take a boat ride or simply enjoy a leisurely walk through its narrow streets.
  • Château de Grimaud: Located in the village of Grimaud, this medieval castle overlooks the surrounding countryside and the Gulf of Saint-Tropez. Visitors can explore the castle ruins, climb to the top of the tower for panoramic views, and learn about the region's history through the exhibits inside.
  • Sainte-Maxime: Situated just 15 kilometers south of Trans En Provence, Sainte-Maxime is a charming coastal town with beautiful beaches, a vibrant town center, and a lively promenade. Enjoy water activities, dine at local restaurants, or visit the botanical gardens for a relaxing day by the sea.
  • Roquebrune-sur-Argens: A picturesque village located about 10 kilometers east of Trans En Provence. Roquebrune-sur-Argens is known for its medieval castle, winding streets, and stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Explore the historic center, visit the church, or enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and mountain biking. 10. Domaine du Rayol: Situated approximately 40 kilometers southwest of Trans En Provence, Domaine du Rayol is a beautiful Mediterranean garden overlooking the sea. This botanical garden showcases a variety of plants from different Mediterranean climates around the world, offering a peaceful and educational experience for nature lovers.

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