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Veronique Hautefeuille
11 Quai du Commerce
Saint Omer


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Price per night:

price from €65






Description for B&B:

The Fontinettes: Experience a romantic English-style room with soothing lilac tones and breathtaking views of the river.
MATHURIN: Step into a charming ambiance adorned with lace and embroidered details, antique furniture, and a view overlooking the rowing club.
FAMILY SUITE OF SA AND Romelaere HERONNIERE: Enjoy two separate rooms connected by a spacious 55 sqm bathroom.
THE Romelaere: Embrace a chic bedroom adorned with fresh flowers, bathed in natural light, and offering a tranquil view of the garden.
HERONNIERE SA: Find peace and serenity in this bright room with contrasting tones, offering a peaceful view of the garden.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 65 65 21 6
(3 pers.)
1 57 84 15 6
Apartment 1 45 90 15


Animals Allowed


  • Saint-Omer Cathedral: Located in the heart of Saint Omer, this magnificent cathedral dates back to the 13th century and features stunning Gothic architecture. It is known for its impressive stained glass windows and beautiful interior.
  • La Coupole: Just a short drive away from Saint Omer, La Coupole is a former Nazi bunker turned museum. It offers a unique insight into World War II history and features exhibitions on the V2 rockets and the occupation of France.
  • Blockhaus d'Éperlecques: Another significant World War II site, the Blockhaus d'Éperlecques is a massive concrete bunker used by the Germans to launch V2 rockets. Visitors can explore the underground complex and learn about its role during the war.
  • Audomarois Marshes: Situated close to Saint Omer, the Audomarois Marshes is a peaceful and picturesque nature reserve. Visitors can enjoy boat tours through the canals, observe wildlife, and explore the charming villages in the area.
  • Jardin Public: Located in the city center of Saint Omer, the Jardin Public is a delightful public park. It offers a tranquil oasis with beautiful flowerbeds, fountains, and walking paths, perfect for a relaxing stroll or picnic.
  • Maison du Marais: This museum in Saint Omer provides an in-depth exploration of the Audomarois Marshes and its biodiversity. Visitors can learn about the flora and fauna of the region, as well as the traditional activities of marshland communities.
  • Saint-Omer City Hall: The City Hall of Saint Omer is a remarkable architectural gem. Built in the 19th century, it features a stunning facade adorned with intricate sculptures. Visitors can admire the exterior or explore the interior's grand halls.
  • Saint-Omer Public Library: Housed in a historic building, the Saint-Omer Public Library is a must-visit for book lovers. It boasts an extensive collection of books, manuscripts, and archival materials, including some rare editions.
  • Saint-Omer Museum of Fine Arts: This art museum in Saint Omer showcases a diverse collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts from various periods. It offers a cultural experience for art enthusiasts and history lovers alike. 10. Arques Castle: A short drive from Saint Omer, Arques Castle is a medieval fortress surrounded by a moat. Visitors can explore the well-preserved ruins, climb the towers for panoramic views, and learn about the castle's history through informative displays.

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