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Chantal et Gerald Leleu
4 Chemin Baronnerie
Leubringhen (wissant)



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Price per night:

price from €105






Description for B&B:

The description of our website showcases uniquely designed rooms personally crafted by our team, each offering the convenience of a private bathroom.


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To reach Leubringhen from Calais, take exit 38 and continue following the signs for N1. After reaching Leubringhen, proceed for 800 meters outside the village and take a left onto Baronnerie Way. If you are traveling towards Boulogne, take exit 37 from Calais and follow the directions to Leubringhen.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: 3clés cleavance
(3 pers.)
2 140 25 oui
Apartment 2 125 25 10€/pers
Holiday Home 2 125 10/pers


Disabled Access
Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Cap Gris-Nez: Located about 5 kilometers from Leubringhen, Cap Gris-Nez is a stunning headland known for its picturesque cliffs and panoramic views of the English Channel. It offers beautiful coastal walks, birdwatching opportunities, and a lighthouse to explore.
  • Wissant Beach: Situated just a short distance from Leubringhen, Wissant Beach is a popular destination for beach lovers. It boasts golden sands, clear waters, and is ideal for sunbathing, swimming, and beach sports such as kiteboarding and windsurfing.
  • Nausicaá - National Sea Centre: Located in Boulogne-sur-Mer, approximately 20 kilometers from Leubringhen, Nausicaá is one of Europe's largest aquariums. It offers a fascinating journey through the marine world with various exhibits showcasing diverse marine life, including sharks, penguins, and tropical fish.
  • Boulogne-sur-Mer: This charming coastal town is worth a visit for its historical significance and picturesque old town. Explore the medieval city walls, visit the Basilica of Notre-Dame, and wander through the vibrant fish market to experience the local culture and cuisine.
  • Les Jardins de la Baie Saint-Jean: Situated in Wimereux, around 15 kilometers from Leubringhen, these stunning gardens offer a tranquil escape. With beautiful landscaping and breathtaking views of the bay, it's a perfect spot for a peaceful stroll or a picnic.
  • Château d'Hardelot: Located in Condette, approximately 10 kilometers from Leubringhen, this medieval castle-turned-cultural center hosts art exhibitions, concerts, and theater performances. Visitors can explore the castle's architecture, picturesque gardens, and enjoy live cultural events.
  • Ambleteuse Fort Mahon: Situated in Ambleteuse, around 13 kilometers from Leubringhen, Fort Mahon is a historical fortress built in the 17th century. It offers guided tours, exhibitions, and stunning views of the surrounding coastline.
  • La Coupole - History and Remembrance Center: Located in Helfaut, approximately 30 kilometers from Leubringhen, La Coupole is a former Nazi bunker converted into a museum. It provides insight into World War II history, focusing on the V2 rocket program and the occupation of the region. These attractions offer a mix of natural beauty, cultural experiences, and historical significance, ensuring an enriching and diverse tourism experience near Leubringhen, France.

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