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Isabelle Lesniewski
18 Bd Georges Clemenceau
Vernet Les Bains


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Price per night:

price from €60






Description for B&B:

We have a beautiful house with 5 bedrooms, each equipped with its own bathroom and toilet. The rooms can accommodate 1 to 5 people and are located on the sunny south side, offering exceptional views of Canigou. Enjoy a delicious breakfast served on our lovely veranda. Take some time to relax in our garden and take advantage of our private parking. Stay connected with our WiFi connection for internet access. The price of the room includes accommodation with breakfast and local tax.


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To reach the destination, follow these travel directions:

- By car: From Perpignan, take the N116 road towards Andorra for 55 km. Then, head towards Vernet les Bains for an additional 5 km.
- By train: Take the TER train from Perpignan to Vernet les Bains. At Vernet les Bains, transfer to the Ville Franche train and then take the BUS 1euro to reach the destination.
- By plane: Fly from Perpignan to Vernet les Bains. Upon arrival, you can either take a taxi or a bus to reach your destination.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 60 300 420 10 oui
Notes: +1 pers 100euros




  • Canigou Mountain: Located in the Pyrenees, Canigou Mountain is a popular destination for nature lovers and hikers. It offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding area and is known for its diverse flora and fauna.
  • Abbey of Saint-Martin-du-Canigou: Situated at the foot of Canigou Mountain, this picturesque medieval abbey is a must-visit attraction. Built in the 11th century, it is known for its well-preserved architecture and serene atmosphere.
  • Fort Liberia: Situated in the nearby city of Villefranche-de-Conflent, Fort Liberia is a historic fortress offering breathtaking views of the region. Visitors can explore its underground tunnels and learn about its military significance.
  • Gorges de la Carança: Located close to Vernet Les Bains, Gorges de la Carança is a stunning natural attraction. It features a picturesque canyon with crystal-clear streams, waterfalls, and hiking trails. It is a perfect spot for outdoor enthusiasts.
  • Villefranche-de-Conflent: This charming fortified town, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site, is known for its well-preserved medieval walls and narrow streets. Visitors can explore its historic buildings, such as the Church of St. James and the Casa Pairal Museum.
  • Yellow Train (Train Jaune): The scenic Yellow Train is a historic railway that winds through the picturesque landscapes of the Pyrenees. It offers breathtaking views of mountains, valleys, and charming villages, making it a popular attraction among tourists.
  • Les Bains de Saint-Thomas: Located in Fontpédrouse, Les Bains de Saint-Thomas is a thermal spa renowned for its natural hot springs. Visitors can relax in its thermal pools or indulge in various spa treatments, offering a perfect opportunity for relaxation and rejuvenation.
  • Eus: Considered one of the most beautiful villages in France, Eus is perched on a hilltop overlooking the Tet Valley. It is known for its narrow streets, stone houses, and stunning views. Exploring the village provides a glimpse into traditional Catalan architecture.
  • Casteil Abbey: Nestled in the charming village of Casteil, this ancient abbey dates back to the 8th century. Visitors can admire its Romanesque architecture and peaceful surroundings, making it a tranquil place to visit. 10. Lake Bouillouses: Located in the heart of the Pyrenees, Lake Bouillouses is a natural reservoir known for its scenic beauty. It offers various outdoor activities, including hiking, fishing, and picnicking, making it a favorite spot for nature enthusiasts. These attractions near Vernet Les Bains offer a combination of natural beauty, historical significance, and cultural experiences, providing visitors with a diverse range of options to explore and enjoy.

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