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Eliane Hornus
19 Rue du Boeuf



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Price per night:

price from €105






Description for Gite

Experience the rebirth of Lyon in the captivating Old Lyon, a UNESCO-listed site. Nestled within the renowned House of Gold Bustard on 19 rue du Boeuf, discover a spacious and contemporary furnished studio spanning 33 m², perfect for short or extended stays ranging from one night to several weeks.

Dating back to 1487, the House of the Golden Bustard is a true historical gem, recognized as a national monument since 1937. Immerse yourself in the essence of Renaissance architecture as you explore its enchanting courtyard.


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Notes: no breakfast-all is included except departemental tax : 1,10 euro per person and per night




  • Vieux Lyon (Old Lyon) - Located just a short walk from Rue du Boeuf, Vieux Lyon is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the largest Renaissance neighborhoods in Europe. It offers narrow cobblestone streets, beautiful architecture, and numerous traboules (passageways) to explore.
  • Basilique Notre-Dame de Fourvière (Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière) - Situated on Fourvière Hill, this stunning basilica is a symbol of Lyon. It offers breathtaking panoramic views of the city and houses exquisite mosaics, stained glass windows, and intricate interior designs.
  • Musée Miniature et Cinéma (Miniature and Cinema Museum) - This unique museum showcases an impressive collection of miniatures, including movie sets, detailed figurines, and scale models. Visitors can also learn about the art of special effects and see props from famous films.
  • Musée Gadagne (Gadagne Museum) - Housed in the historic Gadagne Renaissance building, this museum is dedicated to the history and culture of Lyon. It features exhibits on puppetry, silk industry, and Lyon's rich heritage, providing a fascinating insight into the city's past.
  • Parc de la Tête d'Or (Park of the Golden Head) - Located just north of Lyon's city center, this expansive urban park is perfect for a leisurely stroll or a picnic. It offers beautiful landscapes, a large lake for boating, a zoo, botanical gardens, and various sports facilities.
  • Théâtre Gallo-Romain (Gallo-Roman Theatre) - Situated on Fourvière Hill, this ancient Roman theater dates back to the 1st century AD. Visitors can explore the well-preserved ruins, enjoy the panoramic views of Lyon, and attend concerts or theatrical performances during the summer months.
  • Les Halles de Lyon - Paul Bocuse (Lyon's Covered Market) - Food lovers shouldn't miss a visit to this famous covered market. It offers a wide array of regional products, including cheeses, meats, wines, pastries, and more. It's a great place to experience Lyon's culinary delights and pick up some local delicacies.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon (Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon) - Located in a former Benedictine convent, this museum houses an impressive collection of artworks from various periods, including paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts. It includes masterpieces by renowned artists such as Rembrandt, Monet, and Picasso.
  • Traboules of Croix-Rousse - The Croix-Rousse neighborhood is known for its traboules, hidden passageways that were historically used by silk workers. Exploring these secret passages is a unique way to discover Lyon's architectural heritage and immerse yourself in its fascinating history. 10. Cathedral Saint-Jean-Baptiste (Lyon Cathedral) - Situated in the heart of Vieux Lyon, this impressive Gothic cathedral is worth a visit. It features stunning stained glass windows, a beautifully carved choir, and an astronomical clock. Climbing to the top of the tower provides panoramic views of the city. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, showcasing Lyon's rich history, cultural heritage, and natural beauty.

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