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Robert Barthe
Saint Affrique


4 reviews

Price per night:

price from €58






Description for B&B:

Experience a delightful and extended stay with us, available by appointment, where you can revel in the convenience of a fully equipped kitchen on the ground floor. Kickstart your day with a delectable breakfast featuring homemade jam and cake. As a special treat for our biker friends, we offer a secure garage to ensure motorcycle safety. Additionally, for those planning a longer stay, our fully equipped kitchen is at your disposal, allowing you to embark on thrilling motorbike adventures and explore the stunning surroundings. Prepare to be pleasantly surprised by the wonders of our region.

Seeking a getaway? Eager to discover the region in a different way? Look no further as we offer you the expertise of Robert, owner of a BF3 coaching diploma recognized by the French Cycling Federation, and his extensive knowledge of the most breathtaking routes in the area, whether it be mountain biking or cycling. Our region, nestled between the mesmerizing sea and majestic mountains, is truly a sight to behold. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the lakes and Villefranche de Panat Paraloup, visit the famous Caves de Roquefort, marvel at the architectural wonder of the Millau Viaduct, and explore countless other equally captivating sites. If you are an avid hiker, our region is the perfect destination for you.

Both of our charming cottages, located on the first floor with separate bathrooms (one on the ground floor), are part of a historic inn that dates back to 1874 and has undergone a complete renovation. For your convenience, we provide a designated TV area, as well as a fully equipped kitchen for your use. Start your day off right with a delightful breakfast accompanied by homemade cake and jam.


Appréciations pour Auberge du Coteau, Saint Affrique:

Accueil très chaleureux
Review by: A. Boudet, Juil 19 2014 3:51PM
Merci à M. et Mme Barthe pour m'avoir rendu le séjour à l'Auberge du Côteau très agréable. Mme Barthe est attentive au moindre détail qui peut améliorer le confort du client. Les petits déjeuners sont copieux. Le cadre est magnifique. La chambre est spacieuse.
Auberge du Coteau 12400 BOURNAC
Review by: ILTIS, Juin 5 2014 5:07PM
Tout est plaisant: Evelyne et Robert, les trois chambres confortables et leur vaste salle de bain, la possibilité de cuisiner comme chez soi tout en laissant le soin à Evelyne de préparer les petits déjeuners avec les brioches et confitures, le village de Bournac à seulement 8 kms de Saint Affrique mais qui nous ramène plusieurs siècles en arrière et qui est une excellente base pour visiter le département de
Michèle et Gérard
Response from property:
Merci pour votre avis. Nous avons été ravis de faire votre connaissance.
auberge du coteau
Review by: PUEYO, Oct 9 2012 11:46AM
Un endroit magnifique, dans un petit village BOURNAC, au coeur de le nature aveyronnaise. Les chambres sont spacieuses, agréables, et tres propres. Le petit déjeuner copieux, ( utilisation produits du terroir ) confiture maison d'Evelyne. Tres bon accueil, un couple simple, tres agréable, convivial, et qui vous font découvrir la région, sur le plan culturel, gastronomique, et sportif, (Randonnées, VTT.....) car Robert, un pro du cyclisme, connait tous les parcours alentours. Coin calme et tranquille. Vraiment, on est bien chez eux, et on y reviendra. Jacqueline et Guy
Auberge du Coteau à Bournac
Review by: Renaud, Sep 24 2011 10:44AM
Une ancienne auberge située à flanc de colline, à l’entrée d’un beau petit village aux teintes rouges et ocre, loin des touristes et des boutiques de souvenirs. Panorama époustouflant sur les vallées et les chaînes de montagne environnantes. Calme et nature. Possibilités de balades à pied ou en bicyclette. Les propriétaires sont de dignes représentants de l’hospitalité et de l’amabilité proverbiales des Français. Séjour inoubliable.

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To travel to South Aveyron from Saint Affrique, proceed towards Savignac and continue on to Bournac, which is located 10 km away from Saint Affrique.



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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 58 62 oui


Animals Allowed


  • Roquefort Cheese Caves: Located in Roquefort-sur-Soulzon, just a short drive from Bournac, these caves are where the famous Roquefort cheese is aged. Take a guided tour to learn about the cheese-making process and sample different varieties.
  • Micropolis - La Cité des Insectes: Situated in Saint-Léons, Micropolis is an insect-themed park and museum. Discover the fascinating world of insects through interactive exhibits, live displays, and outdoor trails. It's a perfect attraction for families and nature enthusiasts.
  • Viaduc de Millau: One of the most iconic modern architectural marvels, the Millau Viaduct is a cable-stayed bridge that spans the Tarn Valley. Enjoy breathtaking views from the visitor center or take a guided tour to learn about its construction and engineering.
  • La Couvertoirade: This medieval village, located in the Larzac plateau, offers a glimpse into the past. Wander through narrow streets lined with well-preserved stone houses, visit the castle, and soak up the historical atmosphere.
  • Gorges du Tarn: A stunning natural attraction, the Gorges du Tarn is a deep canyon carved by the Tarn River. Explore the area through hiking trails, go canoeing or kayaking on the river, and admire the dramatic cliffs and scenery.
  • Millau Old Town: Take a stroll through the charming old town of Millau, known for its picturesque streets, medieval architecture, and lively market square. Visit the 14th-century Beffroi tower for panoramic views of the town and surrounding landscape.
  • Peyre: This unique village is listed as one of the "Most Beautiful Villages of France." Perched on a rocky outcrop, Peyre offers stunning views of the Tarn Valley and features traditional stone houses built into the cliffs.
  • Sainte-Eulalie-de-Cernon Templar Commandery: Explore the remains of a medieval fortress and the headquarters of the Knights Templar in this small village. Admire the impressive architecture and learn about the history of the Templars.
  • Musée de Saint Affrique: Located in the town of Saint Affrique itself, this museum showcases the local history and heritage of the region. Discover archaeological artifacts, traditional crafts, and exhibitions on the area's cultural significance. 10. Lac du Salagou: A picturesque lake surrounded by red earth and green hills, Lac du Salagou offers opportunities for swimming, sailing, and hiking. Enjoy the scenic beauty and relax in the peaceful ambiance of this natural attraction. Please note that it's always a good idea to check the opening hours and availability of attractions before visiting, as they may vary.

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