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Serge Sauva
50, Chemin des Ducs


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price from €400





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Description for B&B:

The mattresses, made of latex, are spread across a 20 m2 area. The room features a 140x190 bed accompanied by two bedside tables, one table, one cupboard, and a separate 90x190 bed.


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To visit, if coming from the north (LYON):

1. Head towards GRENOBLE.
2. Take Exit 8 onto N85 towards GAP BRIANCON.
3. Continue on N85 for 68 km until you reach Motty.
4. In Motty, turn right and follow the signs towards the GLAIZIL.

If coming from the south (MARSEILLE):

1. Take the A51 motorway and exit at SAULCE.
2. Continue on N85 towards GAP BRIANCON.
3. Cross GAP and keep going towards Grenoble.
4. Pass by CHAUVET, Col Bayard, Brutinel THE FARE IN CHAMPSAUR.
5. In the hamlet of the tavern, take the D57 (before the bridge) in the direction of GLAIZIL.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(3 pers.)
Holiday Home 3 70 100 400 700




  • Gap: Located approximately 10 kilometers from Le Glaizil, Gap is a charming town known for its picturesque old town, historic buildings, and vibrant markets. Visitors can explore the Cathedral of Gap, visit the Museum of Gap, or simply stroll along the charming streets.
  • Lake Serre-Ponçon: Situated about 40 kilometers from Le Glaizil, Lake Serre-Ponçon is a stunning man-made lake surrounded by beautiful mountains. It offers various water activities such as swimming, boating, and fishing, as well as scenic hiking trails and picnic spots.
  • Ecrins National Park: Spanning across an area of more than 913 square kilometers, Ecrins National Park is a paradise for nature lovers. It features breathtaking alpine landscapes, glaciers, waterfalls, and an abundance of flora and fauna. The park offers numerous hiking trails to explore its natural beauty.
  • Les Deux Alpes: Located approximately 70 kilometers from Le Glaizil, Les Deux Alpes is a popular ski resort known for its extensive ski slopes and vibrant après-ski scene. During the summer months, visitors can enjoy hiking, mountain biking, and even glacier skiing.
  • Briançon: Situated about 60 kilometers away, Briançon is a fortified town and a UNESCO World Heritage site. It boasts impressive Vauban fortifications, including the Fort des Trois-Têtes, which offers panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. The town also has a charming old town with narrow streets and historic buildings.
  • Orcières Merlette: Approximately 50 kilometers from Le Glaizil, Orcières Merlette is a ski resort offering a wide range of winter sports activities, including skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing. In the summer, visitors can enjoy hiking, mountain biking, and paragliding.
  • Sisteron: Situated around 80 kilometers away, Sisteron is a picturesque town located on the banks of the River Durance. It is known for its stunning citadel perched on a rocky outcrop, offering panoramic views of the town and surrounding countryside. Sisteron also has a charming old town with narrow streets and quaint shops.
  • La Grave: Located approximately 90 kilometers from Le Glaizil, La Grave is a small village renowned for its off-piste skiing and mountaineering opportunities. It is nestled at the foot of La Meije, a majestic mountain offering challenging slopes and breathtaking views.
  • Vallon de la Jarjatte: Situated about 30 kilometers away, Vallon de la Jarjatte is a beautiful valley known for its pristine nature and hiking trails. It offers a peaceful retreat with stunning mountain views, cascading waterfalls, and tranquil forests. 10. Château de Montmaur: Located around 35 kilometers from Le Glaizil, Château de Montmaur is a medieval castle surrounded by lush greenery. Visitors can explore the castle's architectural beauty, enjoy guided tours, and admire the panoramic views from its towers. Please note that distances are approximate and may vary depending on the route taken.

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