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Sylvie Poussin
143 Rue Giraudeau


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Price per night:

price from €49




Description for B&B:

We offer two types of rooms: a single room with a double bed priced at 49 euros, and a separate single bed room priced at 43 euros. Both rooms share a bathroom and toilets with two other bedrooms. Additionally, our accommodation provides amenities such as a TV, wifi, bicycle garage, and a charming garden.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 49 OUI
(3 pers.)
1 80 OUI




  • Tours Cathedral: Located in the heart of Tours, Tours Cathedral, also known as Cathédrale Saint-Gatien de Tours, is a stunning example of Gothic architecture. It houses intricate stained glass windows and beautiful sculptures, making it a must-visit for architecture and history enthusiasts.
  • Château de Tours: Situated on the banks of the Loire River, Château de Tours is a historic castle that dates back to the 11th century. The castle now serves as an art museum, displaying a diverse collection of contemporary and modern art.
  • Musée du Compagnonnage: The Musée du Compagnonnage is dedicated to showcasing the history and traditions of French trade guilds. Visitors can explore the museum's exhibits, which include tools, artifacts, and information about various trades, providing an insight into traditional craftsmanship.
  • Basilique Saint-Martin: Basilique Saint-Martin is a Romanesque-style basilica dedicated to Saint Martin, the patron saint of Tours. It features beautiful stained glass windows and stunning architectural details. The basilica also houses the tomb of Saint Martin, making it a significant pilgrimage site.
  • Jardin Botanique de Tours: Jardin Botanique de Tours is a picturesque botanical garden located near the city center. It offers a peaceful escape from the bustling city, with various themed gardens, including a rose garden, a medicinal plant garden, and a Japanese garden. Visitors can also enjoy leisurely walks and picnics in the park.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours: The Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours is an art museum that houses an impressive collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts. From Renaissance masterpieces to contemporary works, the museum offers a comprehensive overview of European art history.
  • Parc de la Perraudière: Parc de la Perraudière is a large public park located on the outskirts of Tours. It features extensive green spaces, walking trails, and a lake where visitors can rent pedal boats. The park is perfect for outdoor activities, picnics, or simply enjoying nature.
  • Place Plumereau: Place Plumereau is a charming square in the old town of Tours. Lined with medieval half-timbered houses, the square is filled with restaurants, cafes, and bars, making it a popular spot for locals and tourists alike. It's an ideal place to relax, grab a drink, and soak in the lively atmosphere.
  • Musée du Compagnonnage: The Musée du Compagnonnage is dedicated to showcasing the history and traditions of French trade guilds. Visitors can explore the museum's exhibits, which include tools, artifacts, and information about various trades, providing an insight into traditional craftsmanship. 10. Parc des Expositions de Tours: Parc des Expositions de Tours is a large exhibition center that hosts various events throughout the year, including trade fairs, concerts, and cultural exhibitions. If you're interested in attending a local event or exhibition, this is the place to visit. These tourist attractions near 143 Rue Giraudeau offer a diverse range of cultural, historical, and natural experiences for visitors to enjoy while exploring Tours, France.

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