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Michel Bon
rue Burdeau


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price from €49




Description for B&B:

A House in Lyon is a delightful guest house situated in the enchanting historic center of Lyon, a designated UNESCO World Heritage site. Conveniently located in the heart of the city, it is easily accessible by all means of transportation. We provide affordable accommodations that are both spacious and luminous, boasting picturesque views of the city. Your stay will be enhanced by a comfortable double bed, a cozy sofa, a practical desk, as well as a TV and WIFI internet access. Furthermore, you will be delighted by the exceptional hospitality and expertise of our experienced staff.


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  • Place des Terreaux: Located just a short distance from rue Burdeau, Place des Terreaux is a bustling square with a beautiful fountain at its center. Surrounded by impressive buildings, including the Lyon City Hall and the Museum of Fine Arts, this square is a popular spot for locals and tourists alike.
  • Lyon Cathedral: Situated in the heart of the city, Lyon Cathedral, also known as Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Lyon, is a stunning example of Gothic architecture. Visitors can explore the cathedral's intricate stained glass windows, climb to the top for panoramic views of Lyon, and admire its impressive organ.
  • Vieux Lyon (Old Lyon): Just a short walk from rue Burdeau, Vieux Lyon is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the largest Renaissance districts in Europe. This charming neighborhood is known for its narrow cobblestone streets, colorful buildings, and numerous traboules (hidden passageways) that are worth exploring.
  • Croix-Rousse: Located on the slopes of the Croix-Rousse Hill, this neighborhood offers visitors a unique perspective of Lyon. Known for its historical silk industry, Croix-Rousse is now a trendy area with vibrant markets, art galleries, and panoramic views of the city from its terraces.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon: Just a short distance from rue Burdeau, the Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon is one of the largest art museums in France. It houses an extensive collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts, ranging from ancient Egypt to the modern era, including works by famous artists such as Monet, Picasso, and Van Gogh.
  • Parc de la Tête d'Or: A peaceful oasis in the heart of Lyon, Parc de la Tête d'Or is a large urban park that offers a wide range of recreational activities. Visitors can enjoy strolling through beautiful gardens, boating on the lake, visiting the zoo, or simply relaxing and having a picnic.
  • Basilique Notre-Dame de Fourvière: Perched atop Fourvière Hill, this iconic basilica is a symbol of Lyon. Its stunning architecture, intricate mosaics, and panoramic views of the city make it a must-visit attraction. Visitors can also explore the nearby Ancient Theatre of Fourvière and the Roman ruins.
  • Musée Miniature et Cinéma: This unique museum showcases an impressive collection of miniatures and special effects used in the film industry. Visitors can admire intricate miniatures, movie props, and learn about the techniques used in filmmaking through interactive exhibits.
  • Les Halles de Lyon-Paul Bocuse: Food lovers should not miss a visit to Les Halles de Lyon-Paul Bocuse, a famous indoor food market. Here, you can indulge in a wide variety of fresh local produce, gourmet products, and traditional Lyonnais specialties, making it a paradise for culinary enthusiasts. 10. Mur des Canuts: Located in the Croix-Rousse neighborhood, the Mur des Canuts is a giant trompe-l'oeil mural depicting the history of Lyon's silk industry. This impressive artwork showcases the city's rich heritage and is a popular spot for photography enthusiasts.

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