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Nathalie Et Christophe Le Guilloux
18, Rue de Paisance
Saint Ave


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Price per night:

price from €40






Description for B&B:

Nathalie and Christophe warmly invite you to their welcoming haven named "PLEASURE," open year-round. Situated in a charming hamlet just 2.5 km away from the lively port of Vannes and only 15 minutes from the breathtaking ocean beaches, our location serves as an ideal base for exploring the wonders of our beautiful region.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 40 60 oui
(3 pers.)
1 45 65 oui


Animals Allowed


  • Vannes Old Town: Located just 4 kilometers from Saint Ave, Vannes Old Town is a charming and well-preserved medieval town. Visitors can wander through narrow streets, admire half-timbered houses, and explore historical sites such as the Vannes Cathedral and the Château de l'Hermine.
  • Jardin aux Papillons: Situated in Vannes, the Jardin aux Papillons (Butterfly Garden) is a delightful attraction where visitors can immerse themselves in a tropical paradise filled with colorful butterflies. The garden features various species of butterflies, exotic plants, and a serene atmosphere.
  • Gulf of Morbihan: A short drive from Saint Ave, the Gulf of Morbihan is a stunning natural attraction known for its picturesque islands, sandy beaches, and crystal-clear waters. Visitors can enjoy boat trips, hiking trails, and panoramic views of the gulf from viewpoints like Pointe d'Arradon.
  • Carnac Stones: Located about 30 kilometers from Saint Ave, the Carnac Stones are a collection of ancient megalithic sites that date back to the Neolithic period. This archaeological complex contains rows of standing stones, dolmens, and tumuli, attracting tourists interested in history and ancient civilizations.
  • Château de Suscinio: Situated near Sarzeau, approximately 40 kilometers from Saint Ave, the Château de Suscinio is a magnificent medieval castle surrounded by a beautiful natural landscape. Visitors can explore the castle's well-preserved rooms, learn about its history, and enjoy the scenic surroundings.
  • Quiberon Peninsula: Located about 50 kilometers southwest of Saint Ave, the Quiberon Peninsula is a popular tourist destination known for its sandy beaches, rugged cliffs, and charming coastal towns. Visitors can relax on the beach, indulge in water sports, explore quaint fishing villages, or take a ferry to the nearby Belle-Île-en-Mer.
  • La Gacilly: Situated approximately 60 kilometers from Saint Ave, La Gacilly is a picturesque village renowned for its connection to photography and nature. Visitors can stroll through the village's flower-lined streets, visit the Yves Rocher Botanical Garden, and explore the outdoor photography exhibitions at the Festival Photo La Gacilly.
  • Rochefort-en-Terre: Located about 70 kilometers northeast of Saint Ave, Rochefort-en-Terre is a charming medieval town known for its well-preserved architecture and flower displays. Visitors can wander through the cobbled streets, admire the colorful half-timbered houses, and visit the beautiful Rochefort-en-Terre Castle. Please note that the distances mentioned are approximate and may vary depending on the specific route and mode of transportation.

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