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Christine Bague
Le Haut des Moulins


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price from €300






Description for Gite

This gite offers a spacious area measuring 50 m2, comprising of three comfortable bedrooms. It includes a fully equipped kitchen, a cozy living room with a sofa bed and a fireplace. Additionally, there is a bedroom furnished with a double bed, and a bathroom with a WC. Outside, guests can relax on the terrace furnished with garden furniture, and enjoy a delightful barbecue experience.


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The destination is situated in the Haute-Provence Alps, between the villages of Banon Reillanne. It is approximately 25 km away from both Forcalquier and Manosque, and about 30 km from Apt.



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  • Gorges du Verdon: Located about 40 kilometers from Vacheres, the Gorges du Verdon is a stunning natural attraction known as the "Grand Canyon of Europe." Visitors can enjoy breathtaking views of the turquoise Verdon River, hike along the rim, or even go kayaking or canoeing in the gorge.
  • Roussillon: Situated approximately 27 kilometers from Vacheres, Roussillon is a picturesque village renowned for its unique ochre cliffs and vibrant red and orange-colored buildings. Explore the charming streets, visit art galleries, and take in the panoramic views from the Sentier des Ocres.
  • Forcalquier: Located just 10 kilometers from Vacheres, Forcalquier is a medieval town with a rich history and a lively market. Wander through its narrow streets, visit the 13th-century Citadelle de Forcalquier, and enjoy the panoramic views from the Notre-Dame-de-Provence chapel.
  • Oppedette: Situated around 15 kilometers from Vacheres, Oppedette is a small village perched on top of a rocky outcrop overlooking the Calavon Valley. With its narrow streets, ancient houses, and stunning views, it is a perfect destination for a peaceful stroll.
  • Banon: Located approximately 24 kilometers from Vacheres, Banon is a charming Provençal village famous for its delicious goat cheese wrapped in chestnut leaves. Explore the village's medieval streets, visit the 10th-century Banon Castle ruins, and savor some local delicacies.
  • Simiane-la-Rotonde: Situated about 30 kilometers from Vacheres, Simiane-la-Rotonde is a village known for its well-preserved medieval architecture. Take a walk through the narrow alleys, visit the impressive Rotonde Castle, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding lavender fields.
  • Lurs: Located approximately 25 kilometers from Vacheres, Lurs is a hilltop village offering beautiful views of the Durance Valley. Explore its winding streets, visit the 12th-century Lurs Castle ruins, and discover the village's rich history and heritage.
  • Sisteron: Situated around 40 kilometers from Vacheres, Sisteron is a historic town located on the banks of the Durance River. Visit the impressive Sisteron Citadel, stroll through the charming old town, and enjoy the stunning views of the surrounding mountains.
  • Manosque: Located just over 20 kilometers from Vacheres, Manosque is a bustling town famous for being the birthplace of renowned French writer Jean Giono. Explore the town's picturesque streets, visit the Giono Center, and discover the local Provençal market. 10. Saint-Michel-l'Observatoire: Situated approximately 17 kilometers from Vacheres, Saint-Michel-l'Observatoire is a small village known for its astronomical observatory. Enjoy a visit to the Observatory of Haute-Provence, learn about astronomy, and marvel at the night sky through powerful telescopes.

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