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Gérard Lapotre
Rue Xavier Grall Mériadec


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €95




Description for B&B:

The rooms are spacious, measuring 30 square meters, inclusive of the bathroom and separate toilet. Each room comes with a bathroom and a separate WC conveniently located next to it. Inside, you will find either two beds measuring 90 or 180 cm by 200 cm. Additionally, the room is equipped with a closet, a small desk, a luggage rack, and seating for 2 to 3 people. For your entertainment, there is a flat screen TV, and you can stay connected with the provided WiFi.

Description for Gite

This charming Cottage boasts a generous living space of 110 m², offering a perfect blend of comfort and style. The Cottage features two spacious bedrooms, with one measuring 15 m² and the other spanning an impressive 25 m². Additionally, there are two well-appointed bathrooms, conveniently located on both the ground floor and upstairs. The Cottage also includes a cozy 20 m² living area, a fully equipped kitchen, and a practical utility room equipped with a dryer and washing machine. To top it all off, guests can enjoy the luxury of a private terrace, providing the perfect setting for relaxation and outdoor entertainment.


Appréciations pour Au Pré Carré, Plumergat:

location du gîte
Review by: Burgener Rosine, Sep 11 2011 4:29PM
Gîte à recommander, maison très moderne, propre et la literie excellente, on a passé une semaine formidable, les hôtes sont très sympathiques

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To get to Vannes from Paris, follow these travel directions:

1. Take RN165 towards Vannes.
2. Once you reach Vannes, take the exit towards PLESCOP / GRANDCHAMP at the first roundabout.
3. At the second roundabout, turn left towards MERIADEC / St Anne d'Auray.
4. Drive for approximately 7 km until you reach MERIADEC.
5. Just before reaching the town, turn right after passing the church and then turn right again towards PLESCOP.
6. After 300 meters, you will find Pré Carré on your left.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: Indoor Swimming Pool
Notes: Ground Garden
Notes: Garden and Terrace


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access
Credit cards accepted


  • Basilique Sainte-Anne d'Auray: Located about 7 kilometers from Rue Xavier Grall, Basilique Sainte-Anne d'Auray is a major pilgrimage site in Brittany. The basilica is dedicated to Saint Anne, the grandmother of Jesus, and features stunning architecture and beautiful stained glass windows.
  • Alignements de Carnac: Approximately 15 kilometers away from Plumergat, the Alignements de Carnac is a prehistoric site consisting of more than 3,000 standing stones arranged in rows. Visitors can explore the alignments and learn about the mysteries of their construction and purpose at the nearby museum.
  • Vannes: Situated around 20 kilometers from Rue Xavier Grall, the city of Vannes is known for its well-preserved medieval center. Visitors can stroll through the charming cobbled streets, visit the impressive Vannes Cathedral, explore the historic ramparts, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of the city's shops and restaurants.
  • Golfe du Morbihan: Just a short drive from Plumergat, the Golfe du Morbihan is a stunning natural harbor known for its scenic beauty. It offers opportunities for boat tours, hiking, and cycling along the coast, as well as the chance to discover picturesque islands and charming fishing villages.
  • Château de Josselin: Located approximately 40 kilometers away, Château de Josselin is a beautiful medieval castle situated on the banks of the Nantes-Brest canal. Visitors can explore the castle's impressive architecture, stroll through its well-maintained gardens, and learn about the history of the Rohan family who still reside there.
  • Port-Louis Citadel: Situated about 35 kilometers from Plumergat, the Port-Louis Citadel is a historic fortress overlooking the entrance to the Lorient harbor. Visitors can tour the citadel, explore its military museum, and enjoy panoramic views of the sea from its ramparts.
  • La Trinité-sur-Mer: Located around 25 kilometers away, La Trinité-sur-Mer is a picturesque coastal town known for its sailing regattas. Visitors can soak in the maritime atmosphere, explore the charming harbor, relax on the sandy beaches, and indulge in delicious seafood at the town's restaurants.
  • Quiberon Peninsula: Situated approximately 40 kilometers from Rue Xavier Grall, the Quiberon Peninsula offers beautiful beaches, rugged cliffs, and stunning coastal scenery. Visitors can enjoy water sports, take boat trips to nearby islands, or simply relax and soak up the sun on the sandy shores.
  • Château de Suscinio: Located about 25 kilometers away, Château de Suscinio is a well-preserved medieval castle nestled in a natural setting near the Gulf of Morbihan. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, courtyards, and gardens, and learn about its fascinating history through interactive exhibits. 10. Rochefort-en-Terre: Situated approximately 45 kilometers from Plumergat, Rochefort-en-Terre is a charming village known for its picturesque medieval architecture. Visitors can wander through the narrow streets lined with half-timbered houses, visit the local artisans' workshops, and enjoy the vibrant floral displays that adorn the village during the summer months.

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