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Thibaut Maurin
Rd 18 , Lieu Dit Courtignou
Le Port


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Price per night:

price from €115




Description for B&B:

Situated atop stilts, the Rock Lodge presents an exceptional vista encompassing the valley, mountains, and majestic Mount Beas. Regardless of the season, guests can luxuriate in the comfortable cabin, equipped with electricity and heating. The compact 12m² interior is complemented by an 8m² terrace, providing a delightful setting to relish your breakfast. Notably, this environmentally-conscious lodging is constructed entirely in compliance with eco-friendly standards, utilizing sheep wool insulation and larch wood for its structure. In line with our commitment to environmental preservation, dry toilets are provided.

Description for Gite

Attention all hikers, skiers, fishermen, and paragliders seeking accommodation! Look no further than Refuge Courtignou, a haven tailored to cater to your specific needs. Our refuge is thoughtfully crafted and constructed with your adventurous spirit in mind. Within its walls, you will find a comfortable arrangement of 10 beds, two bathrooms, a cozy lounge area, and a designated space for your recommended gear storage. Whether you're embarking on a thrilling hike, hitting the slopes, casting your line, or soaring through the skies, Refuge Courtignou eagerly awaits to provide you with an ideal base for your unforgettable experiences.


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Here are the rewritten travel directions:

1. If you are starting from Toulouse, take exit 20 on the A64 highway and head towards St Girons.
2. If you are already in St-Girons, take the D618 road in the direction of Massat.
3. For those coming from Tarascon, follow the D618 road towards Col de Port.
4. If you happen to be in Aulus-les-Bains, take the D8 road towards the Col d'Agnes. Please note that this road is closed during the winter season.
5. Finally, if you are coming from Vicdessos, follow the D18 road towards Port Lers. Be aware that this road is closed during the winter season.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 115 15 OUI
Holiday Home 1 15 21 NON


Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


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  • Grotte de Niaux: Situated near Tarascon-sur-Ariège, this cave system is famous for its prehistoric paintings. Take a guided tour to discover fascinating artwork dating back thousands of years.
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  • Montségur Castle: Perched on a rocky hilltop, this ruined fortress has historical significance as a Cathar stronghold. Explore the castle ruins and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
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