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Christine Collet
71 rue Principale


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Price per night:

price from €60






Description for B&B:

Welcome to our new home, owned by Christine and Daniel Collet. Our home is spacious and bright, featuring a separate entrance and a large bed for two people. You will love our beautiful and functional bathroom, complete with a walk-in shower and toilet.

Situated at the foot of Revermont, our village offers stunning views of the plain of Bresse. Start your day right with a delicious breakfast, served in our dining room or outside on sunny days, featuring homemade products.

Cuisiat, a charming village located 18 kilometers northeast of Bourg-en-Bresse, sits at an altitude of 340 meters. Many scenic walks start from the village square.

Don't miss the Museum of Revermont, which showcases the fascinating life of the past and boasts a garden conservatory with an orchard and vegetable garden. Just 2 kilometers away, the leisure area of La Grange du Pin offers a lake where you can swim, fish, hike, and even camp.

For breathtaking views, head to Mount Myon, one of the highest peaks of Revermont at 663 meters. Paragliders especially love this spot, as it provides a vast panorama and is equipped with a table orientation.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 60 60 0ui




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  • Monastère Royal de Brou (Royal Monastery of Brou) - Situated in Bourg-en-Bresse, this stunning Gothic-style monastery dates back to the 16th century. Visitors can admire the intricate architecture, beautiful gardens, and the tombs of the royal family.
  • Plan d'Eau de Montrevel-en-Bresse (Montrevel-en-Bresse Lake) - This recreational lake offers a range of activities such as swimming, boating, fishing, and picnicking. Surrounded by picturesque landscapes, it is an ideal spot for relaxation and outdoor fun.
  • Parc de Loisirs de Bouvent (Bouvent Leisure Park) - Located in Bourg-en-Bresse, this park offers a wide range of recreational activities, including mini-golf, tennis, soccer, and a treetop adventure course. It is a popular destination for families and outdoor enthusiasts.
  • Musée du Revermont (Revermont Museum) - Situated in Cuisiat, this museum showcases the cultural, historical, and natural heritage of the Revermont region. Visitors can explore exhibitions on local traditions, archaeology, and geology.
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  • La Ferme de la Forêt (The Forest Farm) - Situated in Saint-Nizier-le-Bouchoux, this farm offers a unique experience for animal lovers. Visitors can interact with various farm animals, participate in workshops, and enjoy homemade products from the farm's shop.
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  • Grottes du Cerdon (Cerdon Caves) - Situated in Labalme, these caves offer a fascinating underground experience. Visitors can explore the intricate rock formations and learn about the geological history of the area through guided tours. 10. Les Jardins Suspendus (The Hanging Gardens) - Located in Ceyzériat, these beautiful terraced gardens offer a peaceful and scenic retreat. Visitors can stroll through lush greenery, enjoy panoramic views, and discover various plant species. Please note that some attractions may have specific opening hours and seasonal availability, so it is advisable to check their websites or contact them in advance.

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