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1325, route de saint-martin
Saint Martin Du Mont


6 reviews

Price per night:

price from €65






Description for B&B:

The rooms are generously sized and provide a comfortable living space, complemented by a sizable bathroom that features both a shower and a bathtub. The ground floor boasts a dining room and a living room, offering ample space for relaxation and social gatherings. Additionally, parking facilities are available, along with expansive and securely enclosed grounds.


Appréciations pour Boissier Dominique et Daniel, Saint Martin Du Mont:

Review by: mayeur , Mai 21 2024 8:31AM
accueil sympathique
chambre confortable
Review by: Daniel et Dominique Balliet, Avr 3 2024 3:37PM
parfait dans un cadre idyllique.
Locaux très propres et entretenus.
Accueil très agréable
Petit déjeuner pantagruélique et délicieux
une très bonne nuit
Review by: heitz, Sep 3 2023 3:59PM
Excellent accueil, très belle chambre; on s'est sentis à l'aise
à conseiller
Review by: heitz, Aou 30 2023 9:31PM
très bon accueil, des hôtes sympathiques, une belle chambre, rien à redire.
court séjour très agréable chez M Mme Boissier
Review by: COME A.M, Mar 10 2018 4:52PM
2 nuits dans cette charmante maison, hotes tout aussi charmants, belle chambre, petit déjeuner très bon, calme
Tout est bien !

Excellente adresse
Review by: Romain Carayol, Juin 7 2013 12:06PM
Nous sommes passés début mai, très satisfaits des prestations et de l'accueil

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If coming from the North, take the A40 exit towards Bourg Sud (Tossiat) and continue onto D. 1075 towards Pont D Ain and Mont Saint Martin. If coming from the A42, take the South Pont D Ain exit and head towards Bresse in the direction of Mount Saint Martin.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 65 25 OUI
(3 pers.)
1 120 25




  • Parc des Oiseaux (Bird Park) - Located in Villars-les-Dombes, this park is home to over 3,000 birds from around the world. Visitors can enjoy various shows, exhibitions, and educational activities.
  • Château des Allymes (Allymes Castle) - Situated in Ambérieu-en-Bugey, this medieval fortress offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Explore the castle's history through its exhibits and enjoy the picturesque setting.
  • Monastère Royal de Brou (Royal Monastery of Brou) - Found in Bourg-en-Bresse, this magnificent Gothic-style monastery is a masterpiece of medieval architecture. Admire the intricate sculptures, beautiful gardens, and the tombs of the royal family.
  • Parc de la Tête d'Or (Park of the Golden Head) - Located in Lyon, this urban park is one of the largest in France. It features a large lake, botanical garden, rose garden, zoo, and numerous walking paths.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon (Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon) - Situated in Lyon, this museum houses an extensive collection of European art, including works by Rembrandt, Monet, Picasso, and Van Gogh. It is considered one of the most important art museums in France.
  • Pérouges - This medieval town near Saint-Martin-du-Mont is known for its well-preserved architecture. Explore the cobblestone streets, visit the Church of Sainte-Marie-Madeleine, and taste the famous local specialty, galette.
  • Lac du Bourget (Lake Bourget) - Located near Aix-les-Bains, this is the largest natural lake in France. Enjoy water activities like swimming, boating, and fishing, or simply relax on the lakeside beaches.
  • Musée de la Bresse-Domaine des Planons (Museum of Bresse) - Situated in Saint-Cyr-sur-Menthon, this museum showcases the cultural heritage of the Bresse region. Discover the traditional architecture, crafts, and agricultural practices of the area.
  • Caves du Cerdon - Found in Cerdon, this underground winery offers guided tours and wine tastings. Explore the ancient cellars and learn about the production of sparkling wines in the region. 10. Grottes du Cerdon (Cerdon Caves) - Located near Poncin, these limestone caves are a natural wonder. Take a guided tour to admire the impressive formations and learn about the geological history of the area.