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Fabienne Duglué
Lieu Dit Saint Jean


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Price per night:

price from €105






Description for B&B:

There are two Quercy houses available for rental. One is furnished as a suite for two people, while the other is a duplex room suitable for four people. Each house has its own private entrance and a dedicated outdoor area with garden furniture. Additionally, internet access and parking facilities are provided.

Description for Gite

Nested within the idyllic hamlet, two charming Quercy houses have been meticulously renovated and exquisitely adorned.

Perfectly suited for families, the "Esprit de pierres" Cottage (95 m2) offers a cozy ambiance and comfortably accommodates up to 5 individuals. Its open kitchen seamlessly flows into a welcoming lounge, complete with a picturesque inglenook fireplace. Three inviting bedrooms, a bathroom, and a separate toilet provide ample space for relaxation. The cottage boasts a delightful terrace adorned with garden furniture and a barbecue, all enclosed by a charming stone wall, creating a private sanctuary for guests to revel in.

For those seeking an ideal location to forge unforgettable memories with friends or host a family gathering, the "Maison d'Hôtes" (240 m2) and its accompanying dependency (25 m2) are the epitome of perfection, accommodating up to 10 guests. The accommodation comprises an inviting lounge, a spacious living room that seamlessly integrates with an open kitchen, six tastefully appointed bedrooms, three bathrooms, and three separate toilets. An enchanting games room, along with three alluring terraces complemented by garden furniture and a barbecue, provide ample space for relaxation and entertainment. Furthermore, guests have exclusive access to a natural pool and expansive wooded areas spanning 2 hectares, creating a playground for endless exploration and fun. High-speed internet access and convenient parking facilities are also available to enhance the overall experience.


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The Hameau du Quercy is situated in the Valley du Lot, between the towns of Cajarc and Figeac in the Lot region. It is located in the village of Frontenac (D662), which is a typical Quercy village. Once in the village, simply follow the signs that say "Hameau du Quercy."

For GPS users, the coordinates are as follows:
Latitude: 44°3231" N
Longitude: 44°3231" N



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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: tax not included
Notes: tax not included


Swimming Pool


  • Château de Bonaguil: Located approximately 10 kilometers from Frontenac, Château de Bonaguil is a stunning medieval castle perched on a hilltop. With its well-preserved architecture and panoramic views, visitors can explore the castle's towers, ramparts, and courtyards while learning about its rich history.
  • Grotte du Pech Merle: Situated around 25 kilometers southwest of Frontenac, Grotte du Pech Merle is a prehistoric cave known for its remarkable cave paintings. Visitors can take guided tours to witness the awe-inspiring artwork that dates back over 25,000 years.
  • Cahors Cathedral: Located in Cahors, which is about 25 kilometers northeast of Frontenac, Cahors Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Cahors) is a majestic Gothic cathedral. It showcases stunning stained glass windows, intricate architectural details, and houses various religious artifacts.
  • Pont Valentré: Found in Cahors, Pont Valentré is a fortified medieval bridge spanning the Lot River. This UNESCO World Heritage site is famous for its three defensive towers and architectural beauty, offering visitors a picturesque spot for a leisurely stroll or photography.
  • Château de Cénevières: Situated approximately 40 kilometers southwest of Frontenac, Château de Cénevières is a charming castle nestled on a cliff overlooking the Lot River. Visitors can explore its furnished rooms, admire the panoramic views, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Cahors Vineyards: The region surrounding Frontenac, particularly Cahors, is renowned for its vineyards and wine production. Tourists can visit local wineries, enjoy wine tastings, and learn about the winemaking process while surrounded by picturesque vineyards.
  • Rocamadour: Located around 70 kilometers northwest of Frontenac, Rocamadour is a captivating cliffside village known for its religious significance and stunning views. Visitors can explore the medieval architecture, visit the Sanctuary of Rocamadour, and take in the breathtaking scenery.
  • Château de Beynac: Situated approximately 80 kilometers east of Frontenac, Château de Beynac is an imposing fortress overlooking the Dordogne River. It offers guided tours that allow visitors to delve into its medieval history, explore its well-preserved interior, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Lascaux Caves: Found around 120 kilometers northeast of Frontenac, the Lascaux Caves (Lascaux IV) is a replica of the original prehistoric cave paintings. This UNESCO World Heritage site provides an immersive experience, allowing visitors to admire the ancient artwork and learn about early human civilizations. These are just a few of the many fascinating tourist attractions near Frontenac, France, offering a mix of historical, cultural, and natural wonders to explore.

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