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Marc Gillon
2669 route de la riaille le petit st pons


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price from €80


04 90 75 33 89

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Description for B&B:

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Fully detached cottage that offers complete independence for up to four individuals.


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To reach your destination from Avignon, follow the signs towards Apt. Once you reach Apt, take a left at the Leclerc roundabout towards Saint Saturnin les Apt. Continue for 3 km and then turn right after 1.5 km towards Villars. After making a bend, take a right and you will find the Castle St. Pons after 500 m. Take a left at St. Pons and continue for another 200 m until you reach two iron gates on your right.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 80 80 compris
Holiday Home 1 90 550 1000


Swimming Pool


  • Gordes: Located approximately 13 kilometers northwest of Villars, Gordes is a picturesque hilltop village known for its medieval architecture and stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Explore its narrow streets, visit the 12th-century castle, and discover the charm of this Provençal gem.
  • Abbaye Notre-Dame de Sénanque: Situated just 8 kilometers north of Gordes, this Cistercian abbey is famous for its stunning fields of lavender that bloom in summer. The abbey itself dates back to the 12th century and offers guided tours, allowing visitors to admire its Romanesque architecture and tranquil setting.
  • Roussillon: Located around 17 kilometers southwest of Villars, Roussillon is known for its unique ochre cliffs and vibrant red and orange buildings. Explore the village's art galleries, stroll through its colorful streets, and take in the breathtaking views from the nearby Sentier des Ocres.
  • Avignon: Situated approximately 43 kilometers west of Villars, Avignon is a historic city renowned for its well-preserved medieval architecture and the famous Palais des Papes (Palace of the Popes). Visit the Avignon Bridge, explore the charming old town, and immerse yourself in the city's rich cultural heritage.
  • Pont du Gard: Located around 61 kilometers northwest of Villars, the Pont du Gard is an ancient Roman aqueduct bridge that spans the Gardon River. This UNESCO World Heritage site is not only an architectural marvel but also offers beautiful natural surroundings for picnics, hiking, and swimming.
  • Marseille: Situated approximately 90 kilometers southeast of Villars, Marseille is a vibrant coastal city with a rich history and cultural diversity. Explore the Old Port, visit the iconic Notre-Dame de la Garde basilica, and indulge in the city's famous culinary delights, including bouillabaisse.
  • Aix-en-Provence: Located around 86 kilometers southeast of Villars, Aix-en-Provence is a charming city known for its elegant architecture, bustling markets, and association with painter Paul Cézanne. Take a leisurely stroll along the Cours Mirabeau, visit Cézanne's studio, and enjoy the city's vibrant arts scene.
  • Luberon Regional Nature Park: This natural park encompasses the picturesque Luberon mountains and offers numerous hiking and biking trails, charming villages, and stunning landscapes. Located near Villars, it provides opportunities for outdoor activities and immersing oneself in the beauty of the Provençal countryside. These attractions offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to explore the diverse beauty of the region around Villars, France.

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