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Geneviève Chaix
8 Rue De L'ocean


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price from €82




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Description for B&B:

Room "Marion" is a spacious 26 m2 room with a comfortable bed for two individuals. It also features a cozy rest area with a desk, offering a perfect space for relaxation. Additionally, there is the possibility of having an extra bed if needed.

Room "Morgane" is equipped with a cozy bed suitable for two people, providing a comfortable sleeping arrangement.

Room "Viviane" is a spacious 26 m2 room that offers two beds for one person each, along with an additional bed measuring 140'. This room provides ample space and comfortable sleeping options for all guests.

Description for Gite

This charming cottage offers an independent entrance and spans across 42 m2 on the ground floor. The entrance is adorned with a beautiful glazed door accompanied by shutters, allowing for a bright and airy atmosphere. Two skylights with blackout curtains and a regular curtain provide privacy and control over the natural light.

Inside, you will find a spacious room divided into two sections by a curtain. The first section features a comfortable sitting area furnished with a double bed (160), bedside tables, a cherry cabinet, a lovely dresser, a dressing table, and a chair. The second section boasts a cozy corner living room complete with a single bed, a table base, a round table, and four chairs. Additionally, there are two storage dishes to keep your belongings organized during your stay.

The cottage also offers a well-equipped kitchen and a recently renovated bathroom (2013) for your convenience. Linen and towels are provided, ensuring a comfortable and hassle-free stay.


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From Quimper, take a 20-minute plane ride or a 30-minute train ride to reach Pont l'Abbé. From there, continue on to Loctudy and finally head towards the beautiful beach of Lodonnec and Ezer.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(3 pers.)
2 82 114
Notes: possibility household 45 , breakfast 11




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