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Catherine Martin
21 Montée Des Guillemottes


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Price per night:

price from €55





Description for B&B:

Experience tranquility in this serene 17 m² zen bedroom nestled within a peaceful garden. Complete with a small terrace and parking, this eco-conscious guest house provides ultimate comfort while prioritizing your health with the use of sustainable materials. From dry toilets to walls with divided insulation, and even bio flooring and painting, every aspect of this space is designed to promote well-being. Situated just 1 km from the center of Vienne and a quick 25-minute commute to the heart of Lyon, whether you prefer traveling by road or freeway, you will have easy access to all amenities.


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Notes: Breakfast optional


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  • Temple of Augustus and Livia: Situated in the heart of Vienne, this well-preserved Roman temple is dedicated to the Emperor Augustus and his wife Livia. Visitors can marvel at the ancient architecture and learn about the significance of the temple during the Roman era.
  • Theatre Antique: The Theatre Antique in Vienne is one of the best-preserved Roman theaters in France. Dating back to the 1st century AD, it once hosted various performances and can still accommodate large audiences. Visitors can explore the theater's ruins and enjoy the panoramic views of Vienne.
  • Jardin de Cybèle: This charming public garden in Vienne offers a peaceful retreat for visitors. Adorned with beautiful flowers, fountains, and sculptures, it provides a serene atmosphere to relax and enjoy nature.
  • Pilat Regional Natural Park: Located just a short distance from Vienne, this vast natural park offers breathtaking landscapes, including mountains, forests, and lakes. Visitors can engage in activities such as hiking, cycling, and wildlife spotting while enjoying the stunning views.
  • Saint-Pierre Abbey: Situated in the nearby town of Hauterives, this architectural masterpiece was constructed by postman Ferdinand Cheval over a period of 33 years. The abbey's unique design, featuring a blend of different architectural styles, makes it a fascinating attraction.
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