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Brigitte Langlart
82 Rue Du Général Sarrail


4 reviews

Price per night:

price from €75





Description for B&B:

Your room is generously sized and offers a comfortable space of 20 m². It features a 160 bed and has a separate bathroom and toilet. In addition, we provide amenities such as a hairdryer, kettle, and more for your convenience. You can also enjoy picnics on the terrace for added pleasure. The room's privileged location ensures your autonomy, and the convenience of secure parking near the city center is highly appreciated.


Appréciations pour Une Pause En Ville, Saintes:

endroit magique
Review by: Christine Pornichet, Juil 22 2021 10:32AM
tout est parfait : le cadre, l emplacement, l accueil chaleureux et que de bons conseils
nous reviendrons c est certain
merci pour tout
Une adresse à conserver
Review by: Herve DROUVILLE, Aou 17 2016 8:47AM
Situation, accueil, cadre, déco, calme, propreté, petit déjeuner, prix, conseils, TOUT EST PARFAIT.
Nous reviendrons....
une charmante "pose en ville"
Review by: Serge, Claudette langlois, Fev 5 2016 8:05AM
Une délicieuse maison d'hôte et un accueil plein d'attention de l'hôtesse Brigitte, le tout dans un endroit calme et à deux pas de la vieille ville.
"Une pause" à ne pas manquer.
un havre de paix en plein coeur de saintes
Review by: aupetit patricia, Oct 11 2015 1:16PM
accueil très chaleureux ; c'est un havre de paix en plein coeur de Saintes ; beaucoup de gout dans la décoration ; petit déjeuner somptueux sans oublier les conseils de la propriétaire sur adresse de bons restaurant et exploitant de pineau

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 75 90


Swimming Pool


  • Abbaye aux Dames: Located just a short distance from Rue Du Général Sarrail, this former Benedictine abbey is a remarkable architectural masterpiece. It features stunning Romanesque architecture, beautiful gardens, and hosts various events and concerts throughout the year.
  • Arc de Germanicus: Situated in the heart of Saintes, the Arc de Germanicus is a triumphal arch dating back to the first century AD. It stands as a testament to the Roman influence in the region and offers panoramic views of the Charente River and the surrounding area.
  • Amphitheatre of Saintes: One of the best-preserved Roman amphitheatres in France, this historic site is a must-visit for history enthusiasts. The amphitheatre once held gladiatorial contests and other spectacles, and today visitors can explore its remains and learn about its fascinating past.
  • Saint-Pierre Cathedral: A magnificent example of Gothic architecture, the Saint-Pierre Cathedral is a significant religious monument in Saintes. Its intricate details, beautiful stained glass windows, and impressive organ make it a worthwhile visit for those interested in medieval art and architecture.
  • Musee de l'Echevinage: Housed in a former town hall building, this museum showcases the history and cultural heritage of Saintes. It exhibits a diverse collection of artifacts, artworks, and archaeological finds that provide insights into the city's past.
  • Archaeological Museum: Located near the Abbaye aux Dames, this museum focuses on the archaeological discoveries made in and around Saintes. It displays a wide range of Roman artifacts, including sculptures, pottery, and ancient tools, offering visitors a glimpse into the region's Roman history.
  • Chateau de Crazannes: Situated approximately 10 kilometers from Saintes, the Chateau de Crazannes is a stunning castle known for its fairy-tale appearance. Surrounded by a moat and set amidst picturesque grounds, the castle offers guided tours, allowing visitors to explore its rich history and romantic ambiance.
  • Les Antilles de Jonzac: For a relaxing day out, head to Les Antilles de Jonzac, a tropical-themed water park and spa complex located a short drive from Saintes. With pools, water slides, saunas, and wellness facilities, it's a perfect place to unwind and have fun with family or friends.
  • Pont de Recouvrance: This historic bridge spans the Charente River and offers a pleasant spot for a leisurely stroll. From here, visitors can admire scenic views of the river, the surrounding countryside, and the charming town of Saintes. 10. Le Parc de l'Abbaye-aux-Dames: Adjacent to the Abbaye aux Dames, this park provides a serene escape from the city's hustle and bustle. With well-manicured gardens, tranquil pathways, and a playground, it's an ideal place for a leisurely walk or a picnic.

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