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Veronique Salavy
Le Bourg


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price from €280






Description for B&B:

Located at the entrance of the Cele Valley, near the charming village of Quercy, lies a hidden gem. This picturesque destination is not only in close proximity to Figeac, but also offers easy access to numerous prehistoric and tourist attractions. From the awe-inspiring Pech Merle to the enchanting Padirac, and from the magnificent Rocamadour to the captivating St Cirq Lapopoie, this region is brimming with fascinating spots waiting to be explored. Additionally, the Lot Valley adds an extra touch of allure to this already remarkable location.

Description for Gite

This charming studio, measuring 35 m2, offers a comfortable bathroom, fully-equipped kitchen, and a cozy bedroom with a 140 bed tucked in a corner. It also features a delightful small terrace, perfect for enjoying the serene surroundings. Located on the ground floor of a traditional Quercy house, the studio promises a tranquil and luminous atmosphere.


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To get from Figeac to Cahors, take the D822 and D802 roads. Then, make a left turn onto the D21 road heading towards Camboulit.



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extra bed
Holiday Home 1 45 45 280 280


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  • Château de Cénevières: Located in Cénevières, approximately 10 kilometers from Le Bourg, this medieval castle offers guided tours of its well-preserved architecture and stunning views of the Lot River.
  • Saint-Cirq-Lapopie: Situated about 15 kilometers southeast of Le Bourg, this picturesque village is perched atop a cliff overlooking the Lot Valley. With its charming narrow streets, historic buildings, and art galleries, Saint-Cirq-Lapopie is often considered one of the most beautiful villages in France.
  • Grotte du Pech Merle: Located in Cabrerets, around 20 kilometers southwest of Le Bourg, this prehistoric cave showcases an array of remarkably well-preserved cave paintings dating back over 20,000 years. Guided tours provide insight into the fascinating history and artistry of the cave.
  • Rocamadour: Positioned approximately 30 kilometers southeast of Le Bourg, Rocamadour is a captivating medieval pilgrimage site built into the side of a cliff. The town is home to the renowned Notre Dame de Rocamadour sanctuary, as well as various historical sites, including the Château de Rocamadour.
  • Gouffre de Padirac: Situated in Padirac, about 45 kilometers southwest of Le Bourg, this remarkable natural phenomenon is a vast underground cave system with an underground river. Visitors can take a boat ride to explore the enchanting underground galleries and witness the awe-inspiring stalactites and stalagmites.
  • Cahors: Located around 15 kilometers north of Le Bourg, Cahors is a historic town renowned for its medieval architecture, particularly the iconic Pont Valentré—a fortified stone bridge over the Lot River. The town also offers charming streets, a vibrant market, and the impressive Saint-Étienne Cathedral.
  • Château de Bonaguil: Positioned in Saint-Front-sur-Lémance, approximately 50 kilometers west of Le Bourg, this imposing fortress is one of the most well-preserved castles in France. Visitors can explore its impressive defensive structures, towers, courtyards, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Puy-l'Évêque: Situated about 30 kilometers northeast of Le Bourg, this charming village is nestled along the Lot River. Puy-l'Évêque offers a delightful mix of medieval and Renaissance architecture, including the Romanesque-style Church of Saint-Sauveur and the picturesque winding streets of its old town.
  • Château de Mercuès: Located in Mercuès, around 15 kilometers north of Le Bourg, this majestic castle is now a luxury hotel and vineyard. Visitors can enjoy wine tastings, stroll through the stunning gardens, and admire the panoramic views of the Lot Valley. 10. Figeac: Positioned approximately 35 kilometers northeast of Le Bourg, Figeac is a charming town with a rich medieval heritage. It boasts well-preserved medieval streets, the Hôtel de la Monnaie (a former mint), and the birthplace of Jean-François Champollion, the decipherer of hieroglyphs. The town also offers several museums and a bustling market.

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