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Jean Yves Claris Sauvage
23 Avenue Jean Moulin


1 reviews

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price from €75





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Appréciations pour La Demeure Aux Pins - 4 clés, Lourdes:

Cadre et hôtes géniaux
Review by: Clémence, Aou 11 2015 2:07PM
Cadre très agréable (terrain, maison, chambre et coin cuisine), et hôtes extraordinaires ! D'une générosité exemplaire (ils m'ont aidée bien au delà du raisonnable suite à un accident). Petit déjeuner copieux avec notamment des brioches faites maison par madame (très bonnes!). La suite (chambre, coin cuisine et sdb) réservée aux invités est irréprochable au niveau de la propreté. Les lits sont très confortables.

Le rapport qualité/prix est top.

A recommander si vous allez sur Lourdes !
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Merci pour votre commentaire, en espérant vous revoir prochainement lorsque vous serez rétablie et poursuivre vos randonnées de la région....

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From Toulouse: Take Highway 12 towards Tarbes, then follow the signs for Lourdes (15 km). When you reach the exit for Adé (1 km), turn left (there is a store called "gamme vert" on the corner). Continue on Avenue Jean Moulin for 700 m, and the house will be on your right.

From Pau: Take Highway 11 and drive through Soumoulou. Follow the signs for Lourdes and continue towards Tarbes after passing Kick Out. Keep going until you reach the LECLERC mall, then take a right onto Avenue Jean Moulin. The house will be 500 m ahead on your right.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 75 83 450 20
(3 pers.)
1 90 98 550
Apartment 1


Animals Allowed


  • Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes: Located just a short distance from Avenue Jean Moulin, this world-famous Catholic shrine attracts millions of pilgrims each year. It is believed to be the site of the Virgin Mary's apparitions to Saint Bernadette in 1858, and visitors can explore the basilica, the Grotto of Massabielle, and participate in religious ceremonies.
  • Château Fort de Lourdes: Perched on a hill overlooking the town, this medieval fortress offers panoramic views of Lourdes and the surrounding Pyrenees Mountains. Built in the 11th century, it offers guided tours that take visitors through its historic walls, towers, and underground passages.
  • Pic du Jer: Situated about 3 kilometers southwest of Lourdes, Pic du Jer is a mountain with a height of 951 meters. It is known for its iconic funicular railway, which takes visitors to the summit for breathtaking views of Lourdes, the Pyrenees, and the surrounding countryside.
  • Musée Grévin: Located in the heart of Lourdes, this wax museum showcases lifelike wax figures of famous historical and contemporary personalities. Visitors can explore themed rooms and learn about the history and culture of the region through interactive displays.
  • Le Petit Lourdes: A charming pedestrian street lined with shops, restaurants, and cafes, Le Petit Lourdes offers a delightful atmosphere for strolling and exploring. It is a great place to shop for souvenirs, sample local cuisine, or simply relax and soak up the ambiance of the town.
  • House of Saint Bernadette: Situated near the Sanctuary, this former residence of Saint Bernadette Soubirous has been transformed into a museum. Visitors can learn about the life of the saint, view personal artifacts, and gain insights into the history of Lourdes and the apparitions.
  • Lac de Lourdes: Located approximately 5 kilometers southeast of Lourdes, this picturesque lake offers a serene escape from the bustle of the town. Visitors can enjoy activities such as fishing, boating, or simply relaxing on the lakeside beach.
  • Gavarnie Cirque: Situated about 30 kilometers south of Lourdes, this natural amphitheater is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Visitors can marvel at the towering cliffs, cascading waterfalls, and the famous Grande Cascade, one of the highest waterfalls in Europe.
  • Hautacam: A popular ski resort during winter, Hautacam transforms into a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts during the summer months. Located about 30 kilometers southwest of Lourdes, it offers hiking and cycling trails with stunning views of the Pyrenees. 10. Le Parc Animalier des Pyrénées: Situated around 35 kilometers southeast of Lourdes, this wildlife park provides a unique opportunity to observe native animal species in a natural environment. Visitors can see bears, wolves, lynx, and other animals native to the Pyrenees region. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from cultural and religious sites to natural wonders, allowing visitors to explore the rich heritage and beauty of the Lourdes area.

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