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Stephane Gelin
3083 Rte De Bargemon



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Price per night:

price from €135





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Description for B&B:

This stunning house features a private pool and a covered summer kitchen, perfect for enjoying the outdoors. The interior is well-designed, with two bedrooms located upstairs and one bedroom on the ground floor. Additionally, the property offers secure parking with a closed gate.


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To reach the house at No. 3083, follow these travel directions: Departing from the village center of Bargemon Seillans, head towards D19. After passing the fire site in the village center, continue driving for approximately 3 kilometers. The house will be situated on your left side.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 135 150 945 1050


Swimming Pool


  • Seillans Village: Located right in the heart of Seillans, this picturesque hilltop village is known for its narrow streets, charming stone houses, and stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Take a leisurely stroll through the village and explore its medieval architecture and beautiful squares.
  • Lac de Saint-Cassien: Situated just a short drive from Seillans, Lac de Saint-Cassien is a scenic lake surrounded by pine forests. It offers various water activities such as swimming, fishing, canoeing, and pedal boating. The lake also has several picnic areas and hiking trails, making it a great spot for a day of relaxation and outdoor fun.
  • Gorges du Verdon: Considered one of Europe's most breathtaking natural wonders, the Gorges du Verdon is a stunning river canyon located approximately an hour's drive from Seillans. Admire the crystal-clear turquoise waters of the Verdon River as it carves its way through limestone cliffs, and take in the panoramic views from various viewpoints along the rim.
  • Grasse: Known as the perfume capital of the world, Grasse is a charming town famous for its centuries-old perfume industry. Visit the Fragonard Perfume Factory to learn about the perfume-making process and explore the town's narrow streets lined with perfumeries, boutiques, and historic buildings.
  • Saint-Tropez: A renowned French Riviera resort, Saint-Tropez is a glamorous and vibrant coastal town located about 40 km from Seillans. Enjoy the sun-drenched beaches, visit the iconic Saint-Tropez Harbor filled with luxurious yachts, and explore the charming old town with its quaint streets, boutiques, and art galleries.
  • Cannes: Another glamorous Riviera destination, Cannes is famous for its international film festival and luxurious lifestyle. Stroll along the famous Promenade de la Croisette, lined with high-end boutiques and hotels, and visit the Palais des Festivals where the film festival takes place. Relax on the sandy beaches or explore the charming old town of Le Suquet.
  • Esterel Massif: Located between Saint-Raphaël and Cannes, the Esterel Massif is a stunning mountain range characterized by its red volcanic rocks and lush Mediterranean vegetation. Hike along the various trails that wind through the massif, offering breathtaking views of the coast and the surrounding countryside.
  • Aups: Situated in the heart of the Verdon Natural Regional Park, Aups is a charming Provençal village known for its truffle market. Explore its medieval streets, visit the clock tower, and discover the local culinary delights in the town's restaurants and markets.
  • Abbaye du Thoronet: Located near the village of Le Thoronet, the Abbaye du Thoronet is a Cistercian abbey dating back to the 12th century. This architectural masterpiece is renowned for its beautiful Romanesque design and serene atmosphere. Take a guided tour to learn about the abbey's history and enjoy the peaceful surroundings. 10. Frejus: Situated on the Mediterranean coast, Frejus is a historic town with Roman ruins, a vibrant marina, and beautiful sandy beaches. Explore the Roman Amphitheatre, visit the Cathedral of Saint-Léonce, and relax on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.