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Contact Details:


brigitte mireur
46 rue de Saint Exupéry



2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €78





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Description for B&B:

We offer four generously sized guest rooms, thoughtfully adorned with elegant decor and equipped with en-suite bathrooms, televisions, and air conditioning. Feel free to check our website for the rates and book your stay for a truly tranquil and rejuvenating experience. We eagerly await the pleasure of your arrival.


Appréciations pour chambres d'Hôtes Soleil Bleu, Fréjus:

sejour de Juin 2015
Review by: reille, Juin 8 2015 3:11PM
Très bon accueil. Brigitte et Jean Louis sont fort sympathiques, le service est parfait.La chambre très confortable. On vous souhaite
le meilleur. On vous embrasse.
Jacques et Françoise
Response from property:
Cela a été un réel plaisir de vous recevoir avec votre bonne humeur, On vous embrasse également, A très bientot Brigitte et Jean-Louis
vacances d'avril 2012
Review by: firion michel et myriam, Avr 20 2012 2:27PM
Sommes enchantes par nos vacances chez Brigitte et jean louis du 7 au 14 avril 2012
très bon accueil ,sympathique,tranquillités , jacuzzi ,bons petits déjeunes, proche de la base nature qui est en bord de mer.
nous reviendront l'année prochaine , c'est sur!
bonne santé a Brigitte
et bises a tous les deux
Response from property:
Bonjour, Nous vous remercions d'avoir pris le temps d'ajouter votre commentaire sur ce site, cela a été un réel plaisir de vous avoir reçu. Recevez toute notre sympathie. Bises aussi à tous les deux bonne continuation, Brigitte et Jean-Louis

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To reach the house, take the motorway towards Port Frejus west. Do not head towards the center of Frejus. Look for the sandy beaches and public or private beaches located around 300 meters off the motorway. As you drive, you will pass by the giant casino and continue along the base nature. Eventually, you will reach Battery Street where the fire department is located. Take the third left onto St Exupéry Street.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 78 140 546 819 30 6


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  • Fréjus Amphitheatre: Located just a short distance from your address, the Fréjus Amphitheatre is a well-preserved ancient Roman amphitheater. Visitors can explore the historic site and learn about its fascinating past.
  • Fréjus Cathedral: Situated in the heart of Fréjus, this Roman Catholic cathedral dates back to the 5th century. It showcases beautiful Gothic architecture and houses various religious artifacts.
  • Base Nature François Léotard: This nature park offers a variety of recreational activities, including hiking trails, cycling paths, and picnic spots. It also features a lake where visitors can enjoy water sports like paddleboarding and kayaking.
  • Port-Fréjus: Situated along the Mediterranean coast, Port-Fréjus is a picturesque marina with an array of shops, restaurants, and cafes. It's a great place to relax, enjoy the scenic views, or take a leisurely stroll along the waterfront.
  • Aqualand Fréjus: Perfect for families and thrill-seekers, Aqualand Fréjus is a water park with numerous slides, pools, and water attractions. It offers a fun-filled day of splashing and sliding for visitors of all ages.
  • Saint-Raphaël Valescure Train Station: This train station provides easy access to nearby towns and cities. It's a convenient transportation hub for exploring the French Riviera, including destinations like Cannes and Nice.
  • Gorges du Verdon: Although a bit further away, the Gorges du Verdon is a natural wonder that is worth the visit. Known as Europe's Grand Canyon, it offers breathtaking views, hiking trails, and opportunities for water activities like kayaking and canoeing.
  • Saint-Tropez: Located approximately 30 kilometers from Fréjus, Saint-Tropez is a glamorous coastal town famous for its luxury yachts, sandy beaches, and vibrant nightlife. It's a popular destination among celebrities and offers a taste of the French Riviera lifestyle.
  • Esterel Massif: This stunning mountain range is situated near Fréjus and offers numerous hiking trails amidst beautiful red rock formations and dense forests. It's a paradise for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. 10. Roquebrune-sur-Argens: A charming medieval village located nearby, Roquebrune-sur-Argens features narrow streets, ancient buildings, and a picturesque castle. Visitors can explore its historic center and enjoy panoramic views from the top of the town.