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La Boudio


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Price per night:

price from €50




Description for B&B:

Comfort Boudio is always highly appreciated, regardless of the choice made. The guest rooms, each equipped with a private bathroom, offer a welcoming way home. In front of the magnificent inglenook, large host tables await, where the words "food Auvergne" come alive with an array of delightful dishes such as truffles, stuffed cabbage, aligot, stew, and blueberry pie. Whether it's relaxation in the panoramic lounge or productive work in the seminar room with audiovisual equipment, these spaces are perfect for spending quality time with family or friends. The rooms, accommodating 2 to 5 people, include family rooms in duplex style, as well as dormitory options. Whether it's a one-night stay, a weekend getaway, or a longer visit, guests have the choice of per night rates or opting for half board. Additionally, one of the rooms is wheelchair accessible, providing direct access to the ground floor.


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extra bed
Notes: half-board possible


Disabled Access
Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


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