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Astrid Verbiese
90 Rue Jean Mermoz
La Gorgue



2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €75





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Appréciations pour L'Anna Maria, La Gorgue:

Excellent séjour
Review by: Bonnaillie, Nov 16 2018 9:52PM
Excellent séjour !
Premier séjour à L Anna Maria chez Astrid et Jacques :
Accueil chaleureux et très sympathique, les Hôtes sont attentionnés.
La maison est superbe, décorée avec goût. Nous sentons l âme d une passionnée...
Nous avons dormi dans la chambre Aurore, spacieuse. La literie est parfaite pour
les sensibles du dos. Nous avons aussi apprécié la grande salle
de bain à part avec baignoire et douche.
Les petits déjeuners sont copieux, confitures faites maison, crêpes, petits gâteaux aux
Autre point positif : nous pouvons garer notre voiture dans leur propriété, très appréciable
pour décharger nos affaires,
Pour conclure, Astrid et Jacques sont des hôtes remarquables, perfectionniste, très attentionnés
Chambre d'hôte tout confort à La Gorgue
Review by: Dupont Dominique, Dec 6 2015 9:47AM
Un très beau petit chateau de charme dans un écrin de verdure où l'on est accueillis comme des rois. Nous avons aimé et nous y reviendrons.

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To reach the destination from Lille Lesquin airport, it takes approximately 35 minutes. You can access it by taking the A25 and traveling for around six miles on various county roads.

If you are coming from Bethune, the distance to the station is 15km. You can reach the station by taking the main road that connects D945 Bethune to the Gorgue.



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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: Included breakfast




  • Bailleul Town Hall and Belfry: Located in the nearby town of Bailleul, this historic building dates back to the 17th century and features a beautiful belfry. Visitors can explore the town hall and enjoy panoramic views from the top of the belfry.
  • Flanders Field American Cemetery: Situated in Waregem, Belgium, this cemetery is a tribute to the American soldiers who lost their lives during World War I. It is a serene and well-maintained site, offering visitors a chance to pay their respects and learn about the history of the war.
  • Louvre-Lens Museum: Situated in Lens, France, this branch of the world-famous Louvre Museum showcases a diverse collection of art and artifacts. The museum's modern architecture and impressive exhibitions make it a must-visit for art enthusiasts.
  • La Coupole - History and Remembrance Center: Located in Helfaut, France, this former Nazi bunker now serves as a museum and memorial. It provides an immersive experience, delving into the history of World War II and the V-2 rocket program.
  • Les Prés du Hem Regional Park: Situated in the town of Armentières, this picturesque park offers visitors a chance to relax amid beautiful natural surroundings. It features walking trails, picnic areas, and a lake, making it ideal for outdoor activities and family outings.
  • Lille Old Town: Just a short drive away, Lille's Old Town is a charming area known for its Flemish architecture, narrow streets, and vibrant atmosphere. Visitors can explore the medieval buildings, visit the famous Grand Place, and indulge in local cuisine and shopping.
  • Vimy Ridge Memorial Park: Located near the town of Arras, this memorial park commemorates the Battle of Vimy Ridge during World War I. It features preserved trenches, tunnels, and monuments, offering a poignant reminder of the war's impact.
  • Sainte-Mère-Église: Situated in Normandy, France, this small town is famous for its association with the D-Day invasion during World War II. Visitors can explore the Airborne Museum, which tells the story of the American paratroopers who landed in the area.
  • The Mining History Centre: Situated in Lewarde, this museum provides insight into the region's rich mining heritage. Visitors can explore underground galleries, learn about the lives of miners, and discover the technologies used in the coal industry. 10. La Piscine Museum: Located in Roubaix, France, this unique museum is housed in a former Art Deco swimming pool. It displays a wide range of art, textiles, and sculptures, offering a fascinating blend of history and contemporary art. These attractions offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to explore the diverse offerings of the region surrounding La Gorgue, France.

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