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Contact Details:


Jean Marc Thuilliers
2647 Rue Des Monts
La Gorgue



1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €410






Description for B&B:

Welcome to La Ceriseraie, a charming guesthouse located at the borders of La Gorgue and Laventie, in the picturesque Valley of Lys. Situated just 25 km away from the vibrant city of Lille, Nathalie and Jean-Marc warmly invite you to experience the tranquility and beauty of their renovated farmhouse, originally built in the early 20th century.

The Cherry Orchard offers two delightful guest rooms on the first floor of the main house, with exclusive private access. Unwind and relax in the cozy lounge, complete with a crackling wood-burning fireplace, perfect for unwinding with a good book. Throughout your stay, take pleasure in the serene surroundings of the wooded garden, providing an idyllic atmosphere.

Each room is elegantly furnished with a comfortable 160x200 cm bed, a private bathroom, a flat-screen TV with a DVD player, a coffee machine, and a welcoming tray. A crib is also available for those traveling with little ones.

At The Cherry Orchard, we offer an added touch of musical delight. If you desire, our talented chef will serenade you with beautiful piano melodies during your stay. Furthermore, allow us to tantalize your taste buds with our simple yet refined cuisine, meticulously crafted from fresh produce sourced from our very own garden and neighboring farms. To ensure the utmost quality, our ingredients are carefully selected from local producers, organic farms, fair trade sources, and homemade creations. We encourage you to reserve a table for dinner to savor this exceptional dining experience.

We look forward to welcoming you to La Ceriseraie, where tranquility, exceptional hospitality, and delectable cuisine await you.


Appréciations pour La Ceriseraie, La Gorgue:

Review by: Benali , Fev 22 2021 7:11PM
Si vous souhaitez passer un week-end au calme dans un cadre idyllique dans les Hauts de France, ne cherchez plus : La Ceriseraie est le lieu qu'il vous faut. Vous serez accueillis par Nathalie et Jean Marc dans une maison d'hôte extrêmement bien tenue et décorée avec beaucoup de goût. Les propriétaires sont d'une telle gentillesse qu'ils vous mettront vite à l'aise. Que dire du dîner, digne d'un grand Chef , de l'apéritif au dessert en passant par une entrée et un plat tout aussi raffinés et sans fausse note avec des produits frais et locaux. Après une belle nuit de sommeil, vous pourrez prolonger ce plaisir autour du petit déjeuner maison très copieux et délicieux. Après cette belle expérience, vous n'aurez qu'une seule idée en tête, revenir, et c'est ce que nous ferons rapidement. Encore un grand merci à Nathalie et Jean Marc pour leur accueil. Nous recommandons cette chambre d'hôte les yeux fermés.

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extra bed
Notes: The breakfast is included.
Notes: The breakfast is included.


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Animals Allowed


  • Louvre-Lens Museum: Located in Lens, approximately 25 kilometers away from La Gorgue, the Louvre-Lens Museum is a satellite branch of the famous Louvre Museum in Paris. It houses a remarkable collection of artworks, including ancient artifacts, paintings, sculptures, and more.
  • Lille Old Town (Vieux Lille): Situated around 30 kilometers from La Gorgue, Lille's charming Old Town is known for its picturesque streets, historic buildings, and vibrant atmosphere. Visitors can explore the Grand Place, admire the stunning architecture, and indulge in the local cuisine at the numerous cafes and restaurants.
  • Vimy Ridge: Located about 45 kilometers away from La Gorgue, Vimy Ridge holds great historical significance. It was the site of a major battle during World War I and is now home to the Canadian National Vimy Memorial. Visitors can learn about the history and pay tribute to the soldiers who fought there.
  • La Piscine Museum (Musée d'Art et d'Industrie André Diligent): Situated in Roubaix, roughly 30 kilometers from La Gorgue, this unique museum is housed in an Art Deco swimming pool building. It showcases a diverse collection of art, textiles, sculptures, and ceramics, making it a must-visit for art enthusiasts.
  • Arras City Center: Located about 35 kilometers from La Gorgue, the city center of Arras is renowned for its beautiful squares, such as the Grand Place and Place des Héros. Visitors can explore the well-preserved architecture, visit the stunning Arras Cathedral, and enjoy the lively cafes and shops.
  • Belfry of Lille: Situated approximately 30 kilometers away, the Belfry of Lille is a UNESCO World Heritage site and an iconic symbol of the city. Visitors can climb to the top for panoramic views of Lille and discover the history behind this medieval bell tower.
  • LaM - Lille Métropole Museum of Modern, Contemporary, and Outsider Art: Located in Villeneuve-d'Ascq, around 20 kilometers from La Gorgue, this museum houses an impressive collection of modern and contemporary art, including works by Picasso, Modigliani, and Miró. It also showcases outsider art, making it a fascinating and unconventional museum to explore.
  • Notre-Dame de la Treille Cathedral: Situated in the heart of Lille, about 30 kilometers away, this modern Gothic-style cathedral is a remarkable architectural masterpiece. Visitors can admire its intricate design, stained glass windows, and unique features, making it a noteworthy attraction for architecture and history lovers.

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