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Annette Galbrun
15 rue Croix des Pierres


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €60





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Description for B&B:

Upstairs, there are three bedrooms with a separate entrance. The living room features exposed beams and stone walls, creating a charming rustic atmosphere. The guests will enjoy comfortable rustic furniture throughout the property. The house also boasts a beautiful garden and indoor parking.

The first bedroom, known as the Pink Room, offers two single beds along with a private bathroom and toilet. The second bedroom, called the Blue Room, features a double bed and also has its own bathroom and toilet. Lastly, the Sunflower room is a family room, complete with one double bed and two single beds. This room also has its own bathroom and toilet.

During your stay, be sure to take a tour of the cellars and indulge in a delightful wine tasting experience of Bourgueil wines. And of course, you'll have the opportunity to purchase these exceptional wines directly on-site.


Appréciations pour Le Logis de la Croix des Pierres, Restigné:

Très agréable !!
Review by: Corinne et jean, Aou 25 2015 5:42PM
Chambres d hotes très confortables et propres. Les propriétaires très gentilles!!
Très bon séjour
Review by: Anne et Michel, Juil 13 2015 11:02AM
Nous avons passé 3 jours très agréables. Les propriétaires nous ont fait visiter les vignes et leur cave. Les chambres sont confortables, nous y reviendrons avec grand plaisir !!

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Restigné can be reached from Paris in approximately 3 hours, either from Tours (40 kms away) or Brine (25 kms away). To get there, take the A85 and exit at Bourgueil. Once in Bourgueil, follow the signs towards Restigné and the Restigné church. Take the low road towards the chapel on Loire for about 800 m, and then make a left turn onto Cross Stones.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 60 60 19 oui
Notes: Family Room 4 people.




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  • Château de Langeais: Situated approximately 12 km from Restigné, Château de Langeais is a well-preserved medieval fortress. Visitors can explore its impressive architecture, including a drawbridge, towers, and a beautiful chapel. Inside, the castle offers exhibitions showcasing medieval life and history.
  • Château d'Ussé: Located around 15 km away, Château d'Ussé is often referred to as the inspiration for the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty. Set on the banks of the Indre River, this enchanting castle features a blend of architectural styles from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Visitors can explore the furnished rooms, towers, and stunning gardens.
  • Château de Chinon: Situated approximately 20 km from Restigné, Château de Chinon is a historic fortress overlooking the Vienne River. It played a significant role in French history, hosting notable figures such as Joan of Arc and serving as a residence for English kings. Visitors can wander through the castle ruins and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Abbaye de Fontevraud: Located around 26 km away, Abbaye de Fontevraud is one of the largest monastic complexes in Europe. This stunning abbey dates back to the 12th century and houses the tombs of several notable figures, including Eleanor of Aquitaine and Richard the Lionheart. The abbey also hosts exhibitions and cultural events throughout the year.
  • Château de Saumur: Situated approximately 34 km from Restigné, Château de Saumur is perched on a hill overlooking the Loire River. This medieval castle offers panoramic views of the town and the surrounding vineyards. Inside, visitors can explore the museum, which showcases collections of decorative arts, weaponry, and historical artifacts.
  • Château de Azay-le-Rideau: Located around 36 km away, Château de Azay-le-Rideau is a jewel of Renaissance architecture. Set on an island in the Indre River, this fairy-tale castle features elegant turrets, a moat, and beautifully landscaped gardens. Visitors can explore the furnished rooms and learn about the history of the castle through informative displays. These attractions offer a diverse range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the rich heritage of the Loire Valley region.

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