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Gérard Odile Robert
La Payre
Verrières en Forez


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Price per week:

price from €250






Description for Gite

Welcome to Gite du Forez, a cozy detached house situated at an altitude of 1000m. This comfortable accommodation offers a remarkable setting with enclosed grounds and a spacious terrace of 40m², surrounded by beautiful wooded areas. Enjoy breathtaking views to the south and west, overlooking the river rocks.

For nature enthusiasts, this location is perfect as it provides easy access to walks and hikes right from the cottage. Fishing enthusiasts will also find nearby spots to indulge in their favorite activity.

Located just 10km away, the charming town of Auvergne St. Anthème offers a range of amenities including a ski resort, lake, tennis courts, golf courses, a museum dedicated to stationery, and a zoo. Additionally, the picturesque region of Livradois Forez, famous for its heather, bilberry, and jasseries with thatched roofs, is within reach. Don't miss the opportunity to try the local honey, available just 2km away, or enjoy a delicious meal at a rural inn just 1km from the cottage.

For history buffs, a visit to Montbrison, only 12km away, is highly recommended. Explore its historical monuments and witness the fascinating process of making Fourme, a renowned local cheese. The village of Verrières, located 5km from the gite, is also worth a visit.

Discover the beauty of the Massif Central region, with the option to embark on a scenic journey aboard the Top of Forez tourist train.

Rates vary depending on the season: During the low season (BS), the price is 215, mid-season (MS) is 280, high season (HS) is 390, and very high season (THS) is 430. For a weekend getaway, the price is set at 150.


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Address and access: Take the A72 towards Saint Etienne/Clermond Etienne/Clermond and exit at Montbrison. From Montbrison, follow the direction towards Saint Anthème and Ambert on the D496. Continue on the D496, passing the village of Windows, and then take a right turn towards conols. Follow the road to the hamlet of the Pine, where the holiday cottage is located on the right side (look for the sign "holiday cottage in the country").



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
Holiday Home 1 150 250 480 25


Animals Allowed


  • Château de la Roche: Located in Saint-Priest-la-Roche, approximately 10 kilometers from La Payre, this medieval castle offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, walls, and the underground prison, as well as enjoy guided tours and various cultural events.
  • Jasserie du Coq Noir: Situated in Saint-Anthème, about 15 kilometers from La Payre, Jasserie du Coq Noir is a traditional mountain farm that has been transformed into a museum. Here, visitors can learn about the history and heritage of the Livradois-Forez Regional Nature Park, as well as enjoy hiking trails and taste local products.
  • Château de Bouthéon: Located in Andrézieux-Bouthéon, approximately 25 kilometers from La Payre, this charming castle offers a rich history and beautiful architecture. Visitors can explore the various rooms, admire the collection of art and historical objects, and enjoy regular exhibitions and events held within the castle grounds.
  • Le Puy-en-Velay: Positioned around 55 kilometers from La Payre, Le Puy-en-Velay is a picturesque town famous for its unique rock formations and the Notre-Dame du Puy Cathedral. Visitors can climb the steps to the cathedral and witness panoramic views, visit the historical old town, and explore the nearby volcanic landscapes.
  • Château de Saint-Victor-sur-Loire: Situated in Saint-Victor-sur-Loire, approximately 70 kilometers from La Payre, this castle overlooks the Loire River and offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can explore the castle's medieval architecture, enjoy the beautiful gardens, and learn about the local history and legends.
  • Musée des Verts: Located in Saint-Étienne, about 40 kilometers from La Payre, this museum is dedicated to the history and achievements of the local football club, AS Saint-Étienne. Visitors can explore the club's memorabilia, trophies, and learn about the team's successful past.
  • Lac de Villerest: Situated near Roanne, approximately 35 kilometers from La Payre, Lac de Villerest is a scenic reservoir offering opportunities for outdoor activities. Visitors can enjoy swimming, fishing, boating, and picnicking along the lake's shores, surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes. These attractions provide a range of cultural, historical, and natural experiences for tourists near La Payre, Verrières en Forez, France.

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