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Emmanuel Rousseau
13 Rue De Tourville


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Price per week:

price from €590




Description for Gite

Trade with Travelers: We offer travelers access to tourism office documents and our carefully curated selection of restaurants. We are dedicated to providing you with the best advice on the region's attractions.

The Location: Situated near the tranquil and secluded Clouët beach, facing south, you will have the perfect opportunity to prioritize relaxation during your stay in Northern Brittany.

Transportation: Just a 12-minute drive from Morlaix and its SNCF train station, only 40 minutes away from Brest Brittany Airport, and a short 15-minute drive from Roscoff ferry terminal.


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Apartment 1 99 119 590




  • Château du Taureau: Located on an island in the Bay of Morlaix, Château du Taureau is a fortress dating back to the 16th century. Visitors can explore the historical site, which offers stunning views of the surrounding area.
  • Carantec Beaches: Carantec is known for its beautiful sandy beaches, such as Kelenn Beach and Clouët Beach. Visitors can relax on the shores, swim in the clear waters, or enjoy various water sports activities.
  • Île Callot: Accessible at low tide by a causeway, Île Callot is a small island near Carantec. It offers scenic walking trails, charming houses, and panoramic views of the bay.
  • Musée Maritime de Carantec: This maritime museum showcases the rich maritime heritage of Carantec and the surrounding area. It exhibits various artifacts, models, and documents related to fishing, shipbuilding, and navigation.
  • Pointe de Pen Al Lann: Situated on the Carantec peninsula, Pointe de Pen Al Lann is a popular spot for nature lovers. It features picturesque coastal landscapes, walking paths, and breathtaking views of the sea.
  • Jardin Exotique et Botanique de Roscoff: Located in the nearby town of Roscoff, this exotic and botanical garden offers a diverse collection of plants from around the world. Visitors can stroll through the beautiful gardens and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.
  • Cairn de Barnenez: About a 20-minute drive from Carantec, Cairn de Barnenez is one of the oldest megalithic monuments in Europe. This prehistoric burial site consists of large stone structures and offers a glimpse into ancient history.
  • Château du Taureau Lighthouse: Adjacent to the fortress, the Château du Taureau Lighthouse stands tall as a maritime beacon. Visitors can climb to the top for panoramic views of the bay and the surrounding islands.
  • Golf de Carantec: Golf enthusiasts can enjoy a round of golf at this scenic 9-hole golf course. Set against a backdrop of beautiful landscapes, it offers a challenging and enjoyable experience. 10. Phare de l'Île Louët: Located on a small island off the coast of Carantec, this historic lighthouse is an iconic landmark. Boat tours are available for visitors to admire the structure and learn about its fascinating history. These tourist attractions near 13 Rue De Tourville in Carantec, France, offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, ensuring an enriching visit to the area.

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