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Brazilier Lily
7 Rue de La Madeleine


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02 96 80 18 90


06 61 87 66 38


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2 70 70 35
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1 105 105




  • Saint-Malo (16.5 km): A historic coastal city known for its impressive stone walls, picturesque old town, and beautiful beaches. Explore the narrow streets, visit the Saint-Malo Cathedral, and enjoy panoramic views from the top of the ramparts.
  • Mont Saint-Michel (54 km): A UNESCO World Heritage site and one of France's most iconic landmarks. This medieval abbey, perched on a rocky island, offers breathtaking views and a unique atmosphere. Take a guided tour to learn about its fascinating history.
  • Dinan (21 km): A charming town with well-preserved medieval architecture, Dinan is a delight for history lovers. Stroll along the cobbled streets, visit the 13th-century castle, and explore the half-timbered houses. Don't miss the picturesque port area along the River Rance.
  • Cap Fréhel (26 km): A stunning coastal headland offering dramatic cliffs and panoramic views of the Brittany coastline. Hike along the well-marked trails, visit the lighthouse, and enjoy the rugged beauty of the surrounding nature.
  • Fort La Latte (26 km): Located near Cap Fréhel, this medieval fortress attracts visitors with its impressive towers and stunning coastal location. Explore the castle's interior, walk along the ramparts, and take in the breathtaking views of the sea.
  • Ploumanac'h (79 km): This charming village is renowned for its pink granite rock formations, which create a unique and picturesque coastline. Explore the coastal paths, visit the lighthouse, and enjoy the beautiful sandy beaches.
  • Côte de Granit Rose (70 km): Translating to "Pink Granite Coast," this stretch of coastline is famous for its extraordinary pink-hued rocks. Take a scenic drive along the coast, visit the charming towns of Perros-Guirec and Trégastel, and enjoy the stunning coastal scenery.
  • La Ville-Junguenay (13 km): An enchanting 18th-century manor house surrounded by beautiful gardens and parkland. Enjoy a leisurely walk through the well-maintained grounds, admire the elegant architecture, and learn about the history of the estate.
  • Château de Dinard (17 km): Located in the town of Dinard, this elegant 19th-century castle is surrounded by a large park overlooking the sea. Explore the castle's interior, admire the stunning views, and take a stroll through the landscaped gardens. 10. Plancoët Forest (2 km): If you're looking for a peaceful escape into nature, the nearby Plancoët Forest offers beautiful walking trails amidst a variety of trees and wildlife. Enjoy a picnic, go for a bike ride, or simply unwind in this tranquil natural setting.

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