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Severine Dantier
14 Rue du Chateau


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €60




Description for B&B:

This charming and spacious house is located in the heart of a village surrounded by picturesque vineyards in the beautiful region of Minervois. It is a must-visit destination for its irresistible allure. The house features three cozy and well-appointed rooms, each equipped with private bathrooms, a mini bar, and air conditioning for your utmost comfort. Additionally, you can indulge in the pleasure of a rejuvenating Jacuzzi or enjoy some entertainment in the gaming room, complete with billiards and darts. The welcoming and kind owners will ensure your stay is memorable and leave a lasting impression on you.


Appréciations pour Les Couleurs du Monde, Badens:

Review by: marliere pascal et lydia, Juil 18 2010 9:52PM
Nous n'avons passé qu'une nuit dans cette grande maison,mais quel accueil chaleureux et authentique enfin que du bonheur;les chambres sont décorées avec goût,elles sont très propres et très confortables et des propriétaires super gentils en bref n'hésitez pas vous ne serez pas déçus ,les photos que l'on découvre sur internet sont vraiment à l'image de la maison.Merci encore pour cet accueil.
location en week end
Review by: mme damy, Mai 15 2010 11:34AM
Accueille chaleureux, le confort et la propreté de la chambre excellent, petit déjeuner copieux, nous recommandons absolument.

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 60 70 360 420 20 oui




  • Château de Lastours: Located just a short distance from 14 Rue du Chateau, the Château de Lastours is a medieval castle complex perched on a rocky outcrop. Visitors can explore the ruins and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Canal du Midi: A UNESCO World Heritage site, the Canal du Midi is a historic waterway that stretches over 240 kilometers. Visitors can take leisurely boat trips, cycle along the towpaths, or simply admire the picturesque scenery and charming villages along the canal.
  • Carcassonne: Situated approximately 20 kilometers away, Carcassonne is a fortified city known for its impressive medieval fortress, La Cité. Explore the winding streets, visit the Basilica of Saint-Nazaire, and soak in the medieval atmosphere of this well-preserved UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Abbaye de Fontfroide: Located about 30 kilometers from Badens, Abbaye de Fontfroide is a Cistercian monastery dating back to the 12th century. Visitors can explore the stunning architecture, peaceful gardens, and learn about the history of the abbey through guided tours.
  • Limoux: Situated around 15 kilometers away, Limoux is a charming town known for its sparkling wine, Blanquette de Limoux. Visitors can visit the numerous wineries for tastings, explore the historic center, and enjoy the lively atmosphere.
  • Lac de la Cavayère: This picturesque lake is located just outside Carcassonne, approximately 20 kilometers from Badens. It offers a range of recreational activities such as swimming, windsurfing, and hiking. The lake also has picnic areas and a children's playground, making it a great spot for a family outing.
  • Gouffre Géant de Cabrespine: Situated less than 10 kilometers away, the Gouffre Géant de Cabrespine is an enormous underground cave system known for its stunning rock formations. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the vast chambers and marvel at the impressive stalactites and stalagmites.
  • Minerve: Located about 40 kilometers from Badens, Minerve is a beautiful village perched on a rocky outcrop. It is known for its narrow streets, ancient walls, and a natural bridge formed by the Cesse and Brian rivers. Visitors can explore the village, visit the Cathar Museum, and enjoy the breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. These are just a few of the many tourist attractions near 14 Rue du Chateau in Badens, France. Each offers a unique experience, whether it be exploring medieval castles, enjoying scenic landscapes, or immersing oneself in the rich history and culture of the region.

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