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Corinne Roose
9 Rue Du Pont Neuf



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Price per week:

price from €720






Description for B&B:

Spacious bedroom with a well-equipped bathroom featuring a large shower. The dining area is perfect for enjoying meals. The room is furnished with a flat screen TV and a Nespresso coffee machine for your convenience. Stay connected with high-speed internet access via wifi.


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To reach the destination by car, first head towards Lille center and continue towards "vieux Lille". From there, take "rue de la Monnaie" and make a right turn onto "rue du pont neuf". A nearby parking facility can be found on "avenue du peuple belge" called "parking du vieux lille" where you can park your car.

If you prefer to travel by train, it will take approximately 10 minutes to walk to the flat.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Apartment 2 120 120 720 720 10


Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille: Located just a short walk from 9 Rue Du Pont Neuf, the Palais des Beaux-Arts is one of the largest fine arts museums in France. It houses an impressive collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts spanning various periods.
  • Vieux-Lille: This charming historic district is known for its picturesque cobblestone streets, colorful Flemish-style buildings, and quaint boutiques. Explore the narrow alleyways, visit local cafes, and admire the beautiful architecture that dates back to the 17th century.
  • Grand Place: Situated in the heart of Lille, the Grand Place is a bustling square surrounded by stunning architecture. You can find numerous shops, restaurants, and bars here, making it an ideal spot for shopping and dining while enjoying the vibrant atmosphere.
  • Lille Cathedral: Also known as the Cathedral Basilica of Notre Dame de la Treille, this modern cathedral is a striking contrast to the surrounding historic buildings. Its unique contemporary design and beautiful stained glass windows make it a must-visit attraction for architecture enthusiasts.
  • Citadel of Lille: A short distance from the city center, the Citadel of Lille is a well-preserved military fortress constructed in the 17th century. Explore the impressive fortifications, take a peaceful stroll in the surrounding park, and enjoy panoramic views of the city from the ramparts.
  • Hospice Comtesse Museum: Located in a former medieval hospital, the Hospice Comtesse Museum provides insight into Lille's history and culture. The museum displays a collection of artworks, artifacts, and period rooms, giving visitors a glimpse into the city's past.
  • La Piscine Museum: Situated in Roubaix, a neighboring town of Lille, La Piscine Museum is housed in a former Art Deco swimming pool. The museum showcases a diverse collection of fine arts, textiles, and ceramics, and its unique setting adds to the overall experience.
  • Lille Zoo: Perfect for families or animal lovers, the Lille Zoo is home to a wide variety of species from around the world. Explore the spacious park, watch animal feedings, and enjoy educational exhibits that promote conservation and environmental awareness.
  • The Old Stock Exchange: Located in the heart of the city, the Old Stock Exchange (Vieille Bourse) is a beautiful architectural gem. The courtyard of this 17th-century building hosts a daily book market where vendors sell new and used books, making it a popular spot for book lovers and collectors. 10. Jardin Vauban: Situated near the Citadel, Jardin Vauban is a peaceful urban park perfect for a relaxing stroll or a picnic. The park features beautiful flower beds, statues, and a playground, providing a tranquil escape from the bustling city streets.