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Sylvie et philippe
54 Route De Brignoles
Méounes Les Montrieux


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Price per night:

price from €75





Description for B&B:

Welcome to Le Moulin de l'Ange, where our experienced hosts will greet you with warmth and hospitality. Located in the picturesque greenery of Var in Provence, our charming eighteenth-century mill offers three comfortable guest bedrooms, each with its own bathroom and toilet. Over the years, many renowned artists have passed through or made this place their home.

Conveniently situated near restaurants and surrounded by a multitude of tourist attractions including abbeys, lakes, and Provencal villages like Le Castellet, Bormes les Mimosas, and Saint-Tropez, as well as the beautiful gold islands of Porquerolles, Port Cros, and Le Levant Le Lavandou. Additionally, you will be in close proximity to Marseille, Aix en Provence, Nice, and the Italian border, allowing for exciting day trips.

If you're a beach lover, the sea and beaches are just 30 km away. From your room, you can enjoy lovely views of the garden and countryside. The rate for one night includes a delicious breakfast featuring pastries, jams, orange juice, and cheese from the village.

We offer two rooms, "Gabriel" and "Mickaël," designed for two people, with prices starting at 75 euros per night during the off-season and 85 euros per night in July and August. For a longer stay of one week (7 nights), the rates are 490 euros during the off-season and 560 euros in July and August.

Our room "Raphael" is perfect for two to four people and includes a small living area. The prices for this room start at 95 euros per night during the off-season and 115 euros per night in July and August. For a week-long stay, the rates are 630 euros during the off-season and 770 euros in July and August.

In addition to our cozy accommodations, we also offer weekend wellness retreats and Mediterranean cooking courses. For more information, please visit our website at If you have any questions or would like to make a reservation, please feel free to contact us via email. We look forward to welcoming you to Moulin de l'Ange.


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If you are coming from the Toulon Highway, please take exit 7 Sollies Toucas. From there, continue towards Belgentier and pass through the town of Méounes the Montrieux. Once you reach the exit, you will find the Source of Restaurant Auberge right in front of you.

If you are traveling from Aix en Provence towards Nice, please take the Brignoles exit. Then, follow the signs to Toulon, Rocbaron, Gareoult, and Méounes Les Montrieux. Before reaching the village, you will see the Auberge Restaurant La Source on the opposite side.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 75 85 490 560
(3 pers.)
1 95 115 630 770


Swimming Pool


  • Abbey of Thoronet: Located approximately 7 km away, the Abbey of Thoronet is a stunning Cistercian monastery dating back to the 12th century. It is renowned for its remarkable Romanesque architecture and tranquil surroundings, making it a popular tourist destination.
  • Chateau de Valbelle: Situated around 9 km from Méounes Les Montrieux, the Chateau de Valbelle is an impressive castle built in the 16th century. Visitors can explore its well-preserved interiors, beautiful gardens, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Basilique Sainte-Marie-Madeleine: Located in the charming town of Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume, approximately 15 km away, this basilica is a significant religious site. It houses the tombs of Mary Magdalene and King Louis II of Anjou, as well as stunning Gothic architecture.
  • Caves of Sainte-Baume: Situated approximately 18 km from Méounes Les Montrieux, these caves provide a unique opportunity for exploration. Visitors can venture into the limestone cliffs and discover magnificent underground passages adorned with stalactites and stalagmites.
  • Chateau d'Evenos: Around 20 km away, the Chateau d'Evenos is a picturesque castle nestled on a hilltop. Dating back to the 11th century, it offers breathtaking views of the surrounding vineyards and the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Flassans-sur-Issole: A charming village located approximately 10 km from Méounes Les Montrieux, Flassans-sur-Issole is known for its picturesque streets, medieval architecture, and vibrant weekly market. It is an ideal place to wander and immerse yourself in the local culture.
  • Golf de Barbaroux: Situated about 15 km away, Golf de Barbaroux is a renowned golf course set amidst stunning Provençal landscapes. Golf enthusiasts can enjoy a round of golf here while relishing the beautiful surroundings.
  • La Celle: Located around 10 km from Méounes Les Montrieux, La Celle is a picturesque village known for its historic buildings, including a 12th-century abbey. It offers a peaceful atmosphere, scenic walks, and a chance to explore the local heritage.
  • Domaine de Rayol: Situated approximately 30 km away, Domaine de Rayol is a remarkable Mediterranean garden overlooking the sea. It showcases a diverse range of plants from different climates and is perfect for nature lovers and garden enthusiasts. 10. Hyères: Positioned approximately 40 km from Méounes Les Montrieux, Hyères is a popular coastal town known for its stunning beaches, charming old town, and vibrant atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy water sports, visit historical landmarks, or simply relax by the Mediterranean Sea.

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