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Nathalie Corbin
11 Impasse de La Galere


1 reviews

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price from €4500




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Appréciations pour Les Jasmins, Collioure:

Review by: Bernal, Dec 17 2015 4:53PM
Accueil exceptionnel ,très bien équipé ,tout près du centre et joliment décoré.

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(2 pers.)
1 10
Holiday Home 1 4500 4500


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  • Château Royal de Collioure: Located just a short walk from your address, this historic castle offers stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea. Built in the 13th century, it was once a residence for the Kings of Majorca and now serves as a popular tourist attraction.
  • Notre-Dame-des-Anges Church: Situated in the heart of Collioure, this charming church is known for its unique pink bell tower. Dating back to the 17th century, it features beautiful stained glass windows and is a significant religious site in the region.
  • Modern Art Museum (Musée d'Art Moderne): Housed in the former Villa Pams, this museum showcases contemporary art and hosts rotating exhibitions. The building itself is worth a visit for its exquisite architecture and picturesque gardens.
  • Collioure Beaches: With its crystal-clear waters and picturesque surroundings, Collioure boasts several beautiful beaches. Plage de l'Anse du Portel and Plage de Boramar are two popular choices where you can relax, swim, and soak up the sun.
  • Fort Saint-Elme: Perched on a hilltop overlooking Collioure, this 16th-century fortress offers panoramic views of the town and the Mediterranean. Explore its well-preserved ramparts, visit the museum inside, and enjoy the captivating history of the site.
  • La Balette Beach: Located just outside of Collioure, this sandy beach is known for its calm and peaceful atmosphere. Surrounded by cliffs and lush vegetation, it provides a tranquil spot to unwind and enjoy the natural beauty of the area.
  • Musée d'Art Moderne de Céret: Situated in the nearby town of Céret, this museum is dedicated to modern art and is renowned for its extensive collection of works by artists such as Picasso, Braque, and Chagall. It offers a unique cultural experience for art enthusiasts.
  • Les Roches Bleues: A picturesque coastal path that stretches between Collioure and Port-Vendres, Les Roches Bleues offers breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea. It's a fantastic spot for a leisurely walk or hike, allowing you to admire the stunning coastline and charming villages along the way.
  • Port-Vendres: A charming fishing port located a short distance from Collioure, Port-Vendres is known for its colorful houses, bustling market, and fresh seafood. Take a stroll along the harbor, enjoy a seafood meal at one of the waterfront restaurants, or explore the local shops and galleries. 10. Le Sentier du Littoral: This coastal trail offers a scenic and invigorating hike along the Mediterranean coast. Starting from Collioure, the trail takes you through rocky cliffs, hidden coves, and stunning viewpoints, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the area.

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