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Françoise Debord
12 Rue du Général Desaix


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Price per night:

price from €72






Description for B&B:

Le Clos des Noyers is a charming residence situated in the heart of the quaint town of Combronde, showcasing the traditional stonework of the Auvergne region known as Volvic. This 19th-century mansion has faithfully retained its original period décor, including exquisite molded ceilings, marble fireplaces in every room, and beautiful oak paneling in the reception areas. As you enter through the grand entrance hall, you will be greeted by a ceiling adorned with trompe l'oeil paneling and silkscreened glass panes.

For your relaxation, there is a cozy lounge equipped with a TV and library. Breakfast can be enjoyed in the elegant dining room, the spacious kitchen, or on the sunny south terrace in front of the house.

The impressive Volvic stone staircase will lead you to the guest rooms on the upper floor. You can choose from three double bedrooms or indulge in the luxurious "The Combrailles" suite. These rooms offer a peaceful ambiance, spaciousness, and a tasteful decor inspired by the captivating beauty of the Auvergne countryside.

The property is surrounded by walls, ensuring privacy for guests. At the front of the house, there is a large south-facing terrace and a charming French garden shaded by trees. Additionally, there is a medieval garden adorned with flowers and herbs, followed by a vast park with various majestic trees such as cedar, pine, sapo, chestnut, redwood, and charm. An orchard with apple, pear, cherry, and grape trees adds to the enchanting atmosphere of the surroundings.


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Address of B & Bs: 12 rue du General Desaix, 63460 COMBRONDE

GPS coordinates: Latitude 45.980032 - Longitude 3.087353

Le Clos walnut is centrally located in the charming town of Combronde, just a 5-minute drive from the A71-A89 highway interchange.

We are conveniently situated 10 minutes away from the town of Riom, and 20 minutes away from Clermont-Ferrand.

The nearest train station is Riom - Châtel Guyon, and the closest airport is Clermont-Ferrand Auvergne Airport.

For those who enjoy hiking, the GR300 trail runs alongside our property.

Parking is available in our enclosed courtyard, accessible through a gate (a badge will be provided). We also have a secure barn where you can park your bicycles.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 72 129
(3 pers.)
1 130 170




  • Clermont-Ferrand - Located approximately 30 kilometers from Combronde, Clermont-Ferrand is a vibrant city known for its distinctive black lava stone buildings. Explore the beautiful Notre-Dame-du-Port Basilica, visit the Jaude Square, or discover the history of the Michelin tire company at L'Aventure Michelin museum.
  • Puy de Dôme - Standing at 1,465 meters, Puy de Dôme is a dormant volcano offering breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes. Take a train or hike to the summit and admire the stunning vistas, visit the Temple of Mercury, or explore the informative visitor center.
  • Vulcania - Located near the Puy de Dôme volcano, Vulcania is an educational theme park dedicated to volcanoes and the Earth's geology. Experience interactive exhibits, thrilling simulators, and educational shows that provide insights into the world of volcanic activity.
  • Château de Murol - Situated approximately 35 kilometers from Combronde, the Château de Murol is a medieval fortress that offers a glimpse into the region's history. Explore its well-preserved ramparts, watch exciting falconry demonstrations, and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages.
  • Vichy - Known for its thermal baths and beautiful Belle Époque architecture, Vichy is a charming spa town located about 50 kilometers from Combronde. Relax in the luxurious spas, stroll along the Allier River promenade, or visit the Vichy Opera House.
  • Volvic - Just a short drive from Combronde, Volvic is famous for its mineral water. Take a tour of the Volvic water source, learn about the bottling process, and enjoy the picturesque surroundings of this quaint town.
  • Charroux - Located approximately 25 kilometers from Combronde, Charroux is a picturesque village known for its medieval architecture. Stroll through its narrow streets, admire the 13th-century Saint-Jean-Baptiste Church, and savor the local specialty, Charroux mustard.
  • Gorges de la Sioule - Situated east of Combronde, the Gorges de la Sioule offer stunning natural beauty and outdoor recreational opportunities. Enjoy hiking trails along the river, go canoeing or kayaking, or simply relax in the peaceful surroundings.
  • Château de Chazeron - Located around 20 kilometers from Combronde, the Château de Chazeron is a fortified castle with a fascinating history. Explore its medieval towers, learn about its legends, and enjoy the panoramic views from its ramparts. 10. Riom - Just a few kilometers away from Combronde, Riom is a charming town with a rich heritage. Visit the 13th-century Saint-Amable Church, explore the Musee Mandet art museum, or wander through the picturesque streets lined with half-timbered houses. These tourist attractions near 12 Rue du Général Desaix in Combronde, France, offer a diverse range of experiences, from historical sites and natural wonders to cultural and recreational activities.

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