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Mado Leyris
Jas De L'amagnon
Chateauneuf Val St Donat


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price from €300




Description for B&B:

This cozy apartment features a small kitchenette, a comfortable living area with a closed-off bedroom, and a separate bathroom with a toilet.


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Notes: draps et torchons




  • Sisteron Citadel: Located in the nearby town of Sisteron, about 12 kilometers from Chateauneuf Val St Donat, this historic fortress offers panoramic views of the town and the surrounding countryside. The citadel is well-preserved and includes a museum, a chapel, and a medieval garden.
  • Gorges du Verdon: Situated within the Verdon Natural Regional Park, the Gorges du Verdon is one of the most stunning natural attractions in France. Known as the "Grand Canyon of Europe," this deep river canyon features turquoise waters, towering limestone cliffs, and opportunities for hiking, boating, and rock climbing.
  • Forcalquier: A charming Provençal town located approximately 20 kilometers from Chateauneuf Val St Donat, Forcalquier is known for its medieval architecture, bustling market, and picturesque surroundings. The town's main square, Place Saint-Michel, is particularly worth visiting.
  • Lurs: Perched on a hilltop overlooking the Durance Valley, the village of Lurs is a delightful place to explore. The narrow streets, stone houses, and medieval ruins create a romantic and historic atmosphere. The village also offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Oraison: Situated on the banks of the Durance River, Oraison is a small town known for its picturesque setting and charming old town. The town features several historic buildings, including the Church of Saint-Martin, and is surrounded by beautiful countryside, perfect for leisurely walks or bike rides.
  • Manosque: Located about 30 kilometers from Chateauneuf Val St Donat, Manosque is a vibrant town with a rich history. It is famous for being the birthplace of the renowned French author Jean Giono. Visitors can explore the old town, visit the Jean Giono Foundation, and enjoy the local cuisine.
  • Aix-en-Provence: Although a bit further away, Aix-en-Provence is worth a visit if you have the time. This culturally rich city is known for its beautiful architecture, charming streets, and vibrant arts scene. Highlights include Cours Mirabeau, the historic quarter, and the famous Atelier Cézanne.
  • Luberon Regional Nature Park: Located to the south of Chateauneuf Val St Donat, the Luberon Regional Nature Park offers stunning landscapes, including picturesque villages, lavender fields, vineyards, and olive groves. It is perfect for outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking. These are just a few of the many tourist attractions near Chateauneuf Val St Donat, providing a mix of natural beauty, historical sites, and Provençal charm.

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