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Mr et Mme Leroux
4 Chemin du Funiculaire
St Hilaire Du Touvet


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €42






Description for B&B:

Enjoy an extraordinary vista of the stunning Dent de Crolles in the magnificent Chartreuse region, right from the comfort of your room at the delightful China Belledonne.

Description for Gite

The cottage, which is located on the ground floor of our house, is a charming and independent accommodation measuring 30m2. It offers a splendid southern exposure, along with convenient parking and breathtaking views of the stunning Belledonne mountains. Designed to comfortably accommodate up to 4 guests, it features a cozy bedroom furnished with a 140 bed. Additionally, the living room boasts a practical sofa bed for 2 individuals. The cottage also includes a well-equipped kitchenette complete with electric plates, an oven, a fridge, and a microwave. The bathroom is equipped with a toilet, and for entertainment, there is a television available. Outdoor amenities such as a barbecue, garden furniture, and a swing are also provided for guests to enjoy.


Appréciations pour Les 3 Sapins, St Hilaire Du Touvet:

Appréciation du gite
Review by: Mme.Uschanoff, Mai 27 2012 10:35AM
Depuis plusieurs années, je deviens une habituée du gite; outre la gentillesse des propriétaires,j'apprécie le calme, le paysage et le confort de ce gite bien équipé et qui me convient parfaitement. De plus la supérette très proche est bien commode. Grenoble n'est pas très loin et dans la vallée il y a d'excellents commerces de boucherie, traiteur, boulangerie pâtissier etc...le boulanger de saint Hilaire n’est pas à dédaigner!

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Take the A41 from Grenoble to Chambery and exit at exit 24. Continue for 1 mile to reach St Ismier and St Mazaire Eymes on RN 90. Then, follow the signs for the Branch tray of small rocks, T Pancras, and St Hilaire du Touvet.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: rate study / long stay
Holiday Home 1 320 320 15




  • Parc Naturel Regional de Chartreuse: Located nearby, this regional nature park offers stunning landscapes, beautiful hiking trails, and opportunities for outdoor activities such as mountain biking and paragliding. It is known for its diverse flora and fauna, as well as its ancient monasteries and historical sites.
  • Bastille Fortress: Situated in Grenoble, just a short drive away, the Bastille Fortress is a 19th-century military fortification that offers panoramic views of the city and the surrounding mountains. Visitors can reach the fortress by taking the iconic Grenoble-Bastille cable car or by hiking up the scenic trails.
  • Musee de Grenoble: Also located in Grenoble, the Musee de Grenoble is a renowned art museum that houses an extensive collection of paintings, sculptures, and artifacts. It showcases artworks from various periods, including pieces by famous artists such as Picasso, Monet, and Matisse.
  • Cable Car of Saint-Hilaire-du-Touvet: Right at your doorstep, the cable car of Saint-Hilaire-du-Touvet offers a thrilling ride up to the top of the mountain, providing breathtaking views of the Alps. Once at the summit, visitors can enjoy paragliding activities or simply take in the magnificent scenery.
  • Chateau de Vizille: Situated in Vizille, approximately 20 kilometers from your location, the Chateau de Vizille is a grand 17th-century castle surrounded by picturesque gardens and a lake. It houses the Museum of the French Revolution, which displays historical artifacts and exhibits related to this significant period in French history.
  • Les Cuves de Sassenage: Located near Sassenage, this natural attraction features a series of deep limestone sinkholes and underground caves. Visitors can explore the caves with guided tours, marveling at the striking geological formations and learning about the history and formation of the site.
  • Lac de Monteynard-Avignonet: Situated roughly 30 kilometers away, this stunning reservoir offers a range of water activities, including swimming, sailing, and windsurfing. The lake is surrounded by beautiful landscapes, making it an ideal spot for picnics, hiking, and cycling.
  • Musee de l'Ancien Eveche: Situated in Grenoble, this museum is housed in a former bishop's palace and showcases a diverse collection of art and historical artifacts. It offers insight into the region's history, architecture, and culture, making it a worthwhile visit for history enthusiasts. These attractions near 4 Chemin du Funiculaire in St Hilaire Du Touvet, France, provide a range of options for outdoor enthusiasts, history buffs, art lovers, and those seeking breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes.

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