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Eric Raoult
Les Mureteix
Saint Rémy de Blot


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Description for Gite

Welcome to our group accommodation designed for 25 people! This spacious property features a large activity room suitable for various gatherings or events, as well as comfortable rooms ranging from 2 to 10 people. The well-equipped kitchen and ample sanitary facilities, including 4 toilets, 4 showers, and 4 sinks, ensure convenience for all guests.

Outside, our property boasts a charming garden and a grand courtyard, providing plenty of space for relaxation and outdoor activities. Nature enthusiasts will appreciate the surrounding forests, rivers, volcanoes, lakes, and historic sites, including picturesque castles.

Whether you're planning a memorable retreat, team-building event, or simply looking for a peaceful getaway, our group accommodation offers the perfect setting for your needs.


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  • Château de Chouvigny: Located in Chouvigny, this medieval fortress offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, ramparts, and gardens while learning about its rich history.
  • Gorges de la Sioule: These stunning river gorges are a popular spot for outdoor enthusiasts. Tourists can enjoy activities such as hiking, kayaking, and fishing while taking in the breathtaking natural scenery.
  • Château d'Effiat: Situated in the town of Effiat, this splendid Renaissance château is known for its beautiful gardens and elegant architecture. Guided tours are available, providing insights into the history and art of the castle.
  • Église Saint-Martin de Vicq: This charming Romanesque church in the village of Vicq is worth a visit for its well-preserved medieval frescoes and architectural details. It offers a peaceful atmosphere and a glimpse into the region's religious past.
  • Parc Animalier d'Auvergne: Located in Ardes-sur-Couze, this wildlife park is home to various species of animals from around the world. Visitors can observe animals in spacious enclosures and enjoy educational presentations and activities.
  • Vulcania: Situated in Saint-Ours-les-Roches, Vulcania is a popular theme park dedicated to volcanoes and Earth sciences. It offers interactive exhibits, 3D movies, and thrilling rides, providing visitors with a fun and educational experience.
  • Château de Randan: This elegant neoclassical castle in Randan is surrounded by beautiful gardens and a park. It hosts exhibitions and cultural events, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the region's history and culture.
  • Gorges de la Bouble: These picturesque gorges offer hiking trails and opportunities for nature lovers to enjoy the stunning landscapes. The clear waters of the Bouble River flowing through the gorges create a tranquil and serene environment.
  • Abbaye de Menat: Situated in the village of Menat, this medieval abbey is known for its well-preserved Romanesque architecture. Visitors can explore the abbey's church, cloisters, and gardens, as well as learn about its historical significance. 10. Musée des Volcans: Located in Orcival, this museum showcases the geological and volcanic history of the Auvergne region. It features exhibits on volcanoes, minerals, and fossils, providing a fascinating insight into the area's natural heritage.

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