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Henri Gabin
5 Passage Gabin
Luz Saint Sauveur


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Price per week:

price from €330






Description for Gite

Comfortable 3-star gite boasting 60m2 of living space, featuring 2 bedrooms, a terrace, a garden, and private parking. Situated just 400m away from the town center and shops, this tranquil retreat offers easy access to numerous summer hiking trails and three popular ski resorts during winter.


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To reach your destination, take the fast track from Lourdes towards Argeles/Pierrefitte. From there, follow the signs towards Luz Saint Sauveur. Once you reach the city center, head towards Bareges and pass by the college of three valleys. After that, turn right onto Villenave road and continue for 200m. Look out for a mid-rise building, and just before a fire hydrant, you will find the transition Gabin on the right. The cottage is located at the bottom left.



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extra bed
Holiday Home 1 330 470



  • Pont d'Espagne: Located about 8 kilometers from Luz Saint Sauveur, Pont d'Espagne is a beautiful natural site known for its stunning waterfalls, hiking trails, and breathtaking mountain scenery. It offers an excellent opportunity for outdoor activities such as walking, picnicking, and enjoying the fresh mountain air.
  • Cirque de Gavarnie: Situated approximately 15 kilometers away, the Cirque de Gavarnie is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a must-visit attraction in the Pyrenees National Park. This awe-inspiring natural amphitheater features towering cliffs, a massive waterfall, and numerous hiking trails for all levels of fitness. It is a popular spot for nature lovers, hikers, and photographers.
  • Basilique Saint-Pie X: Located in the nearby town of Lourdes, around 25 kilometers from Luz Saint Sauveur, the Basilique Saint-Pie X is a significant religious site attracting millions of pilgrims each year. It is part of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, where the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to Saint Bernadette in 1858. The basilica's stunning architecture and peaceful atmosphere make it a must-see for visitors interested in religious and historical sites.
  • Pic du Midi Observatory: Situated approximately 42 kilometers away, the Pic du Midi Observatory is perched at an altitude of 2,877 meters in the French Pyrenees. It offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Visitors can take a cable car to reach the observatory and explore its interactive exhibitions on astronomy and enjoy stargazing sessions. The observatory also has a restaurant and a terrace where you can enjoy a meal with a view.
  • Château de Lourdes: Located in the town of Lourdes, around 25 kilometers from Luz Saint Sauveur, the Château de Lourdes is a medieval fortress that overlooks the town. Visitors can explore the castle's ramparts, towers, and courtyards, which offer magnificent views of Lourdes and the surrounding landscape. The castle also houses a museum that exhibits artifacts from its rich history, including weapons, armor, and archaeological finds.
  • Col du Tourmalet: Situated around 25 kilometers from Luz Saint Sauveur, Col du Tourmalet is a legendary mountain pass in the Pyrenees. It is renowned for its challenging cycling routes and is often included in the Tour de France. Visitors can drive or cycle up to the summit, which offers spectacular views of the surrounding mountains. There are also cafés and souvenir shops along the route, making it an enjoyable and scenic drive. These attractions offer a diverse range of natural beauty, historical significance, and outdoor activities, ensuring there is something for everyone to enjoy near Luz Saint Sauveur, France.

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