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Stéphanie Salazar
4 Rue de l'Espinouse
Le Poujol Sur Orb


1 reviews

Price per week:

price from €230




Description for Gite

We offer two charming cottages, each featuring two cozy bedrooms, a comfortable lounge, a dining room, a bathroom, and a separate toilet. To enhance your experience, both cottages boast a lovely terrace and a beautiful garden right in front. Our rates vary depending on the season, ensuring you get the best value for your stay.


Appréciations pour Les Cabrials, Le Poujol Sur Orb:

Review by: Catherine Chrétien, Jan 16 2022 5:08AM
Le vieux puits est en effet magnifique et j'espère que l'intérieur du gite aussi, malheureusement il n'y a pas de photo de l'intérieur, merci d'en mettre une.

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Apartment 2 230 1100


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  • Gorges d'Héric: Located in the Haut-Languedoc Natural Park, the Gorges d'Héric is a stunning natural attraction. It offers picturesque hiking trails, waterfalls, and refreshing swimming spots, making it an ideal destination for nature lovers.
  • Réals Roquebrun: Situated along the Orb River, Réals Roquebrun is a charming village known for its vineyards and beautiful landscapes. Visitors can enjoy canoeing or kayaking on the river, explore the narrow streets, and visit the Mediterranean Garden, showcasing a wide variety of plants.
  • Canal du Midi: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Canal du Midi is a historic waterway that stretches from Toulouse to the Mediterranean Sea. Visitors can take a boat trip along the canal, enjoy cycling or walking alongside its banks, and admire the impressive engineering of the locks and bridges.
  • Roquefort-sur-Soulzon: Famous for its production of Roquefort cheese, this village is nestled in the Aveyron department. Visitors can tour the underground caves where the cheese is aged, learn about the traditional production methods, and indulge in tastings of this internationally renowned blue cheese.
  • Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert: This medieval village is a jewel of the Hérault Valley. Known for its well-preserved architecture and the Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert Abbey, it attracts history enthusiasts. The village is also a starting point for various hikes, including the famous Chemin de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle (Way of St. James).
  • Pézenas: A charming town filled with beautifully preserved buildings, Pézenas is renowned for its artistic and cultural heritage. Visitors can wander through the narrow streets, explore art galleries and craft shops, and discover the birthplace of the renowned playwright Molière.
  • Carcassonne: Located about 1.5 hours away, Carcassonne is a fortified city steeped in history. The medieval citadel, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a remarkable sight with its well-preserved walls and towers. Inside, visitors can explore the narrow streets, visit the castle, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding area.
  • Pont du Gard: This ancient Roman aqueduct is a true marvel of engineering and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Located near Nîmes, it offers visitors the opportunity to learn about Roman history, explore the museum, and even swim in the river beneath the aqueduct.
  • Montpellier: The vibrant city of Montpellier is known for its lively atmosphere, beautiful architecture, and cultural attractions. Highlights include the historic center with its stunning Place de la Comédie, the Fabre Museum showcasing a vast art collection, and the Jardin des Plantes, a serene botanical garden. 10. Mediterranean Beaches: The coastal towns of Valras-Plage, Cap d'Agde, and Sète are all within driving distance from Le Poujol Sur Orb. These popular beach destinations offer sandy shores, crystal-clear waters, and a range of water sports, making them perfect for sunbathing, swimming, and relaxation.

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