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Marc Beaulieu
4 impasse Bausil



2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €60




Description for B&B:

This magnificent mansion, nestled in the picturesque valley of Estagel Agly just a short 20-minute drive from Perpignan, deserves all the praise it receives. Its allure lies not only in its architectural beauty but also in the rich history it holds, being associated with the esteemed Bausil Albert family and their close friendship with Louis Charles Trenet. At this enchanting place, we take great pleasure in welcoming guests and sharing our deep affection for this region, particularly its untamed and hidden hinterland, which holds more secrets than the bustling coastal areas.


Appréciations pour Villa Bausil, Estagel:

Jolie escapade a estagel
Review by: Richard , Mar 17 2021 6:29AM
Fabuleux séjour chez Marc et Sylvie , un accueil convivial dans un lieu atypique ou la decoration vous étonnera dans chaque pièce...
Une jolie maison qui vous donnera sans nul doute l'envie de retenir.
Un grand merci a vous 2
Richard et sophie

Une très bonne adresse
Review by: Lecordier, Aou 28 2017 9:50PM
Nous nous sommes arrêtés avec nos deux enfants le samedi 29 juillet 2017 où nous avons passé une très bon moment avec des propriétaires très disponible mais discret à la fois
Nous recommandons fortement cette très bonne adresse qui accepte des couples avec enfants juste pour une nuit au contraire de certaine chambre d'hôtes des alentours
Surtout vous caressez les deux chiens pour nous

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To reach the airport from PERPIGNAN Expressway, take the Exit Airport. Continue on the D117 road towards FOIX until you reach ESTAGEL.
If you are coming from MONTPELLIER via A9, take the PERPIGNAN North exit and follow the signs towards FOIX, heading to ESTAGEL.
From FOIX, take the D117 road towards PERPIGNAN until you reach ESTAGEL.
Once you are in ESTAGEL, go to the ARAGO square and take the street in front of the statue. Then, take the first right onto impasse BAUSIL.
The house is located in a building on your right.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 60 60 OUI




  • Château de Quéribus: Located about 10 kilometers southeast of Estagel, Château de Quéribus is a medieval castle perched on top of a rocky hill. It offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and is a popular attraction for history enthusiasts.
  • Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Perpignan: Situated around 22 kilometers to the east in Perpignan, this magnificent cathedral is renowned for its unique blend of architectural styles, including Romanesque, Gothic, and Catalan influences. It houses impressive works of art and is a significant religious and cultural landmark in the region.
  • Château de Peyrepertuse: Roughly 25 kilometers southeast of Estagel, the Château de Peyrepertuse is another striking medieval fortress. Set high on a rocky ridge, it offers breathtaking views and is often referred to as the "Carcassonne in the Sky." Visitors can explore its ramparts, towers, and dungeons to get a sense of its rich history.
  • Les Gorges de Galamus: Located about 30 kilometers southwest of Estagel, Les Gorges de Galamus is a beautiful natural site. This narrow gorge carved by the Agly River offers spectacular scenery, with towering cliffs and crystal-clear waters. Visitors can hike along the river, visit the Hermitage of Saint-Antoine, or even try canyoning.
  • Musée de Tautavel: Situated approximately 9 kilometers north of Estagel in Tautavel, this museum is dedicated to the prehistoric era and showcases the discoveries made at the nearby Caune de l'Arago, an important archaeological site. It provides insight into the evolution of early humans and features exhibits of fossils and artifacts.
  • Forteresse de Salses: Around 45 kilometers northeast of Estagel, the Forteresse de Salses is a remarkable fortress that guards the former border between France and Spain. Built in the 15th century, it is an impressive example of military architecture and offers guided tours to explore its inner chambers, drawbridges, and defensive walls.
  • Abbaye de Saint-Martin-du-Canigou: Situated approximately 60 kilometers to the northwest, this picturesque Benedictine abbey is perched on a mountainside overlooking the Canigou massif. Dating back to the 10th century, the abbey is surrounded by serene natural beauty and offers guided tours to showcase its stunning architecture and rich history. These attractions provide a range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences near Estagel, offering visitors a diverse selection of places to explore during their visit to the region.

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