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Monique et Patrick Mathieu
1 Rue des Jardins
Caudiès de Fenouillèdes


4 reviews

Price per night:

price from €68






Description for B&B:

Emma's bedroom features a spacious double bed measuring 160, accompanied by an additional single bed measuring 90. The attached bathroom boasts a generously sized walk-in shower, two sinks, and a toilet. On the other hand, Marie's chamber presents a luxurious double bed measuring 180, with the possibility of accommodating two single beds. The adjoining bathroom includes two sinks, a sizable bathtub, and a convenient walk-in shower. Additionally, separate toilets are available for added convenience.


Appréciations pour Côté Jardins, Caudiès de Fenouillèdes:

Review by: Patrick et Vjera, Jan 24 2014 8:50PM
Merci à nos hôtes pour la chaleur de leur accueil et l'amoiur mis dans la restauration de cet ancien relais.
Les chambres sont très spacieuses, lumineuses et douillettes.
Nous avons passé un très bon moment lors de notre périple des Chemins Cathares en V.T.T.
que des compliments
Review by: Yves et Helene, Aou 17 2011 9:54PM
Les chambres sont belles grandes et confortables et la salle de bain de même
la table d’hôte de Monique est un exemple de générosité et d’accueil, de plus, les bons crus de Patrick accompagnent a merveille. de plus une petite cuisinette et frigo a disposition toujours tres pratique.
La région est riche nous avons passé une semaine vraiment agréables et reposantes, riche en découverte.
Le Paradis !
Review by: Concetto et Jackie, Mai 4 2010 8:59AM
Nous sommes tombés amoureux de Monique et Patrick Mathieu !
Accueil chaleureux, comme on l'espère. Des soirées sous la tonnelle inoubliables de rires, de senteurs et de saveurs.
La chambre et la SDB MARIE sont immenses et propres ! Monique est une fée du logis !
Jamais séjour ne nous aura laissé d'aussi bonnes impressions et sensations pour tous les sens.
On reviendra...
séjour du 15 au 17 septembre 2009
Review by: NICOLAS, Sep 20 2009 12:24PM
Accueil très symphatique de la famille MATHIEU, chambres très confortables et impeccables. Exce.
llents repas réalisés par Monique assisté de Patrick ,expert en crûs du Cabardes.
Séjour trop court, nous reviendrons c'est certain. Amicalement Josée, Josiane,Jean et André.

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Our location is situated on secondary road 117, which is found between Perpignan and Carcassonne.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 68 68 450 450 10 oui
(3 pers.)
1 78 78 525 525 10 oui




  • Château de Peyrepertuse: Located about 20 kilometers north of Caudiès de Fenouillèdes, Château de Peyrepertuse is a magnificent medieval fortress perched on a rocky hilltop. Visitors can explore the ruins, enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside, and learn about the castle's fascinating history.
  • Gorges de Galamus: Situated approximately 15 kilometers northeast of Caudiès de Fenouillèdes, the Gorges de Galamus is a narrow canyon carved by the Agly River. Visitors can drive or hike through the gorge, marvel at the towering cliffs, and visit the Saint-Antoine Hermitage, a chapel built into the rock face.
  • Château de Quéribus: Located about 25 kilometers northeast of Caudiès de Fenouillèdes, Château de Quéribus is another impressive medieval castle perched on a rocky outcrop. The site offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape and provides insight into the strategic importance of fortresses during the Middle Ages.
  • Rennes-le-Château: Situated approximately 30 kilometers southeast of Caudiès de Fenouillèdes, Rennes-le-Château is a small hilltop village known for its mysterious history and legends. Visitors can explore the village, visit the Church of Saint Mary Magdalene, and learn about the enigmatic stories surrounding the area.
  • Les Orgues d'Ille-sur-Têt: Located about 40 kilometers east of Caudiès de Fenouillèdes, Les Orgues d'Ille-sur-Têt is a unique natural site featuring towering rock formations shaped by erosion. Visitors can wander through the labyrinthine pathways and admire the impressive columns resembling organ pipes.
  • Château de Puilaurens: Situated approximately 40 kilometers northeast of Caudiès de Fenouillèdes, Château de Puilaurens is yet another well-preserved medieval castle perched on a rocky hilltop. The castle offers panoramic views, interactive exhibits, and a chance to step back in time and experience medieval life.
  • Caves of Aguzou: Located about 10 kilometers southwest of Caudiès de Fenouillèdes, the Caves of Aguzou are a complex system of underground caves featuring stunning natural formations. Visitors can embark on guided tours to explore the caverns, admire stalactites and stalagmites, and learn about the geological history of the area.
  • Château de Villerouge-Termenès: Situated approximately 40 kilometers southeast of Caudiès de Fenouillèdes, Château de Villerouge-Termenès is a well-preserved medieval castle with a dark history. Visitors can tour the castle's rooms, including the infamous room where the last Cathar Perfect, Guilhem Bélibaste, was imprisoned before his execution. These attractions offer a mix of historical, natural, and cultural experiences, providing visitors with a diverse range of options to explore and enjoy the beautiful region surrounding Caudiès de Fenouillèdes.

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