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Françoise Cuchet
2, rue de l'Ascension


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Price per night:

price from €403






Description for B&B:

This property features 5 spacious bedrooms, each equipped with its own bathroom and toilet. Additionally, there is a comfortable common room and a lounge area with a TV and fireplace, providing the perfect setting to unwind while enjoying beautiful views of the park. The property also boasts a terrace, garden, and a refreshing pool. Conveniently located, it is only 9 km away from Epernay, 30 km from Reims, and within a 1-hour drive from Eurodisney.


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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 403 403 35 oui


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted


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  • Château de La Marquetterie: Situated in Pierry, the Château de La Marquetterie is a stunning 19th-century castle that belongs to the Taittinger champagne family. Visitors can explore the beautiful estate, learn about the history of the castle and the art of champagne production, and enjoy a tasting session.
  • Hautvillers: A charming village known as the birthplace of champagne, Hautvillers is just a short distance from Boursault. Visitors can stroll through its picturesque streets, visit the abbey where Dom Pérignon is buried, and discover the local champagne producers.
  • Reims Cathedral: Located in the city of Reims, Reims Cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This magnificent cathedral is known for its stunning stained glass windows and historical significance as the site of coronations for many French kings.
  • Palais du Tau: Adjacent to Reims Cathedral, the Palais du Tau is a former archbishop's palace that now serves as a museum. It houses a collection of religious artifacts, including the coronation robes of French kings. Visitors can also admire the palace's beautiful architecture and gardens.
  • Musée de la Reddition: Situated in Reims, the Musée de la Reddition is housed in the building where the German surrender was signed, marking the end of World War II in Europe. The museum offers a fascinating insight into this historical event through its exhibits and multimedia presentations.
  • Parc de Champagne: Located in Châlons-en-Champagne, Parc de Champagne is a vast green space ideal for leisurely walks and picnics. The park offers beautiful views of the surrounding vineyards and is a great place to relax and enjoy the serene atmosphere of the Champagne region.
  • Musée de l'Hôtel Le Vergeur: Situated in Reims, this museum is housed in a 16th-century mansion and showcases the history and art of the region. Visitors can explore various exhibits, including historic artifacts, paintings, and sculptures, providing a unique cultural experience.
  • Basilique Saint-Remi: Situated in Reims, the Basilique Saint-Remi is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a magnificent example of Romanesque-Gothic architecture. The basilica houses the relics of Saint Remi, the patron saint of Reims, and offers visitors a glimpse into the city's rich religious history. 10. Cité du Champagne - Champagne Collet: Located in Aÿ, Cité du Champagne is a museum dedicated to the art of champagne production. Visitors can discover the history and traditions of champagne-making through interactive exhibits, guided tours, and tastings, making it a must-visit destination for wine enthusiasts.

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