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Emmanuel Rousseau
7 Impasse de Kerliezec


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €75





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Description for B&B:


Appréciations pour Chambres D'hôtes Vue Mer, Carantec:

Review by: Sonia mahé, Nov 19 2014 11:29AM
Une vue à couper le souffle, un calme absolu règne aux alentours, un paysage qui change tout le temps et un petit déjeuner copieux et des hotes charmants au petit soin et plein de bons conseils! Rien à redire, allez y les yeux fermés!
Amazing views in friendly environment
Review by: Patrick Flanagan, Aou 25 2014 5:08PM
These are really spectacular views from these new and very stylish rooms. We only stayed one night but will come back for sure. The reception was very friendly and everything worked perfectly.

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The bed and breakfast is situated at a distance of 10 km from Morlaix, approximately 50 km away from Brest airport, and can be reached in about 2 hours from Rennes.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 75 75 475 475
(3 pers.)
1 90 90 580 580 10




  • Château du Taureau: Located on a small island in the Bay of Morlaix, Château du Taureau is a fortified castle that dates back to the 16th century. Visitors can take a boat trip and explore this impressive historical landmark.
  • Île Callot: Situated just off the coast of Carantec, Île Callot is a small tidal island accessible during low tide. It offers stunning views, scenic walking paths, and a peaceful atmosphere, perfect for a relaxing day trip.
  • Cairn de Barnenez: Considered one of the oldest megalithic monuments in Europe, Cairn de Barnenez is an ancient burial mound located near Plouezoc'h. This Neolithic site offers guided tours that provide insights into the area's prehistoric history.
  • Morlaix: This picturesque town is known for its half-timbered houses, cobbled streets, and the viaduct spanning its harbor. Visitors can explore the charming old town, visit the Maison à Pondalez (a unique house with a wooden gallery), and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of the weekly market.
  • Roscoff: Located about 15 kilometers from Carantec, Roscoff is a charming coastal town known for its historic harbor and beautiful sandy beaches. Explore the narrow streets, visit the Notre-Dame de Croaz Batz chapel, and enjoy fresh seafood at the local restaurants.
  • Oceanopolis: Located in Brest, approximately 40 kilometers from Carantec, Oceanopolis is a popular marine-themed park and aquarium. It features various exhibits showcasing marine life from different ecosystems, including polar, tropical, and temperate regions.
  • La Maison Penanault: Situated in the heart of Morlaix, La Maison Penanault is a historical mansion that now serves as a museum and exhibition space. It houses a collection of art and artifacts related to the history and culture of the Morlaix region.
  • Plougasnou: This coastal commune near Carantec offers beautiful beaches, scenic coastal walks, and charming villages. Visitors can explore the Church of Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul, relax on the beach, or hike along the GR34 coastal path.
  • Quimper: Located around 70 kilometers from Carantec, Quimper is the capital of the Finistère department and known for its well-preserved medieval center. The town is famous for its Faience pottery, beautiful cathedral, and charming streets lined with traditional Breton houses. 10. Pointe de Primel: Situated near Plougasnou, Pointe de Primel is a rugged headland with stunning coastal views. Visitors can enjoy hiking along the coastal paths, explore rock pools, and admire the natural beauty of the area.

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