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Marie-Jo Vernhes
Le Favaldou La Selve


3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €42






Description for B&B:

The accommodation offers three bedrooms each furnished with comfortable 140 beds, as well as two rooms featuring a spacious 160 bed. Additionally, there is a generous family suite comprising of two adjacent rooms, which conveniently share a bathroom. Rest assured, all rooms are equipped with their own shower facilities for your convenience.


Appréciations pour A la maison de Marie-Jo, Réquista:

une générosité exceptionnelle
Review by: Michele, Juil 4 2014 7:26PM
J'ai passé 2 jours (nuits) dans cette maison avec une collègue en déplacement professionnel. Nous avons préféré ce type de logement à l'hotel et c'était parfait!
Nous avons été accueillies par MarieJo elle-même qui est une femme d'une générosité remarquable. C'est une femme extraordinaire et pourtant très (trop) modeste.
Les repas étaient très copieux et très bons.
J'étais vraiment triste de partir tant pour le logement très propre, que pour les repas conviviaux mais surtout de quitter ce couple. MarieJo partage tout ce qu'elle sait, chante admirablement bien. On se sent chez elle vraiment comme chez des amis.
Je ne tari pas d'éloges pour cette femme exceptionnelle!
Je vais faire le maximum pour retourner m'y ressourcer quelques jours.
C'est la joie de vivre en pleine nature!
Ambiance festive, gentillesse, repas excellents, c'est parfait quoi!
Nuit en mai 2011
Review by: Claude Fournier, Mai 22 2011 11:10AM
Des chambres très agréables, une table digne d'un roi, une ambiance vraiment conviviale, bref c'est la joie de vivre que l'on découvre à la maison de Marie-Jo. Soirée en musique et en chansons pour se "vider" la tête, des instants de pur bonheur. Merci à vous deux pour cette superbe soirée passée à la maison de Marie-Jo.
Séjour de 3 jours
Review by: PINEDA, Avr 10 2010 9:08PM
Séjour des plus agréable. Accueil chaleureux. Marie Jo très dévouée et attentive à ses hôtes. Très bonne et délicieuse table dans un calme absolu. Je recommande vivement le lieu.

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 42 48 290 336 OUI
(3 pers.)
2 62 65 430 15 OUI


Disabled Access
Animals Allowed


  • Millau Viaduct: Located about 30 kilometers southwest of Le Favaldou, the Millau Viaduct is an impressive cable-stayed bridge that spans the Tarn River valley. It is the tallest bridge in the world and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Micropolis - La Cité des Insectes: Situated in Saint-Léons, approximately 40 kilometers northwest of Le Favaldou, Micropolis is a unique insect-themed park and museum. Visitors can explore various exhibits, learn about the fascinating world of insects, and even interact with live specimens.
  • Roquefort-sur-Soulzon: Just 15 kilometers southeast of Le Favaldou, Roquefort-sur-Soulzon is famous for its production of the renowned Roquefort cheese. Visitors can tour the caves where the cheese is aged, learn about the traditional production methods, and sample the delicious blue-veined cheese.
  • Albi: Located around 60 kilometers northeast of Le Favaldou, Albi is a picturesque town known for its well-preserved medieval architecture. The highlight of the town is the stunning Sainte-Cécile Cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage site, which features intricate frescoes and a unique blend of architectural styles.
  • Toulouse: Situated approximately 100 kilometers northwest of Le Favaldou, Toulouse is a vibrant city renowned for its rich history and cultural heritage. Visitors can explore the charming old town, visit the iconic Basilica of Saint-Sernin, and discover the fascinating exhibits at the Cité de l'Espace space museum.
  • Rodez: Located about 70 kilometers north of Le Favaldou, Rodez is a historic city with a beautiful medieval center. The must-visit attraction in Rodez is the impressive Rodez Cathedral, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture that houses numerous valuable artworks.
  • Gorges du Tarn: Situated approximately 70 kilometers southwest of Le Favaldou, the Gorges du Tarn is a breathtaking natural wonder. Visitors can enjoy scenic drives along the river, hike through the stunning canyons, and admire picturesque villages perched on the cliffs.
  • Viaduc de Sainte-Eulalie-de-Cernon: Located about 60 kilometers southwest of Le Favaldou, this viaduct is another impressive engineering marvel. It is part of the historic Larzac Railway line and offers a beautiful backdrop for photography and exploring the surrounding area.
  • Villefranche-de-Rouergue: Situated approximately 40 kilometers east of Le Favaldou, Villefranche-de-Rouergue is a charming medieval town with winding streets and beautiful architecture. Visitors can explore the 13th-century Notre-Dame Collegiate Church and wander through the vibrant weekly market. 10. Lacaune-les-Bains: Located about 40 kilometers south of Le Favaldou, Lacaune-les-Bains is a small spa town famous for its thermal baths. Visitors can relax in the rejuvenating waters, indulge in spa treatments, and explore the surrounding scenic landscapes.

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