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Alain Jourdren


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To access the destination, take the Ergué-Gabéric/Coray exit (D 15) from the express road (RN 165). Proceed in the direction of Coray for 6.5 km and turn right onto the first road after passing "Cornwall press". Continue for 1 km until you reach the Trolan hamlet.



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Holiday Home 1




  • Quimper Cathedral: Located in the nearby city of Quimper, the Quimper Cathedral is a stunning Gothic-style cathedral dating back to the 13th century. It is known for its intricate stained glass windows and impressive architecture.
  • Odet River: The Odet River offers scenic boat tours, allowing visitors to admire the beautiful landscapes of the region. The river flows through Ergué-Gabéric, providing a peaceful and serene environment for nature lovers.
  • Locronan: A picturesque medieval village located a short distance from Trolann, Locronan is known for its well-preserved historic buildings and cobblestone streets. It offers a glimpse into the past with its charming atmosphere and traditional Breton architecture.
  • Pointe du Raz: Situated on the westernmost tip of mainland France, Pointe du Raz offers breathtaking views of rugged cliffs, crashing waves, and the vast Atlantic Ocean. It is a popular destination for nature enthusiasts and hikers.
  • Concarneau: A fortified coastal town, Concarneau is famous for its well-preserved medieval ramparts and its picturesque harbor. Visitors can explore the narrow streets, enjoy fresh seafood, and visit the historic Ville Close, a walled town within the city.
  • Hénanbihen: Located on the Côte de Granit Rose (Pink Granite Coast), Hénanbihen is a charming village known for its pink granite houses. It offers a peaceful atmosphere and is a great place for a leisurely stroll or to enjoy the beautiful surrounding countryside.
  • Pont-Aven: A small town renowned for its association with the famous artist Paul Gauguin, Pont-Aven is nestled along the River Aven. It is known for its art galleries, charming old mills, and scenic walks.
  • Île de Sein: A small island located off the coast of Brittany, Île de Sein is known for its rugged beauty and traditional fishing village atmosphere. Visitors can explore the narrow streets, enjoy fresh seafood, and take in the stunning coastal scenery.
  • Château de Trévarez: Situated in Saint-Goazec, the Château de Trévarez is an impressive castle surrounded by beautiful gardens and woodlands. It offers guided tours and hosts various cultural events throughout the year. 10. Bénodet: A popular seaside resort town located on the southern coast of Brittany, Bénodet offers beautiful beaches, a marina, and a range of water sports activities. Visitors can enjoy sunbathing, swimming, and exploring the charming town center.

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