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Beatrice Clabon
69, Avenue Georges Clemenceau


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Price per night:

price from €60






Description for B&B:

Located in the center of the village, this beautiful nineteenth-century mansion, once owned by a wine merchant, exudes a welcoming atmosphere and is frequented by creative minds. While preserving its original charm, we have incorporated modern comforts to ensure your utmost comfort. Our primary goal is to make you feel at home. Whether it's the coolness during summer or the warmth in winter, our home will serve as your perfect base for exploring this magnificent region. You can unwind and relax in our serene and shaded patio and terrace, surrounded by lush trees.

Our dining experience is truly exceptional. We take pride in offering you the finest flavors of the region, with the aromas of thyme, rosemary, and the exquisite oils and wines from Minervois and Corbières tantalizing your taste buds. For years, Béatrice has delighted her friends with her culinary expertise and latest discoveries. It was only natural for her to share her passion for gastronomy in a simple and welcoming manner, using locally sourced ingredients to create dishes that will leave you craving more.

We highly recommend reserving your dinner at the same time as your room to ensure availability. The meal, served at 7:30 pm, begins with a complimentary aperitif. Please note that our service concludes at 10 pm.

Description for Gite


Indulge in the serene and soothing ambiance of our uniquely designed bedrooms. Each room has its own distinct atmosphere, inviting you to embrace tranquility and a sense of well-being. We have carefully chosen to portray iconic women from various eras, allowing you to embark on a captivating journey through time and space.

Our comfortable beds are adorned with soft blankets and feature latex mattresses, ensuring a restful and cozy night's sleep.

In the bathroom, you will find plush towels and essential toiletries, providing you with the utmost comfort during your stay. We also cater to families with children, offering beds, bedding, and high chairs to accommodate their needs.

To enhance your experience, a courtesy tray awaits you, offering a selection of coffee, tea, and herbal infusions.


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The house is located on the main street, approximately 300m from the center of the village, halfway between Narbonne and Carcassonne via D 11.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 60 95 360 450
Notes: 20 € extra are required for the extra bed




  • Château de Rieux-Minervois: This medieval castle is located in the heart of Rieux-Minervois. Explore its impressive architecture, visit the museum inside, and enjoy panoramic views from the tower.
  • Canal du Midi: Just a short distance from Rieux-Minervois, this UNESCO World Heritage Site offers scenic boat rides, cycling paths, and picturesque walks along its tree-lined banks. Enjoy the peaceful ambiance and admire the engineering marvel of this historic canal.
  • Abbaye de Caunes-Minervois: Visit this ancient Benedictine abbey, founded in the 8th century. Marvel at its stunning Romanesque architecture, explore the cloister, and discover the rich history of the site.
  • Les Gorges de la Cesse: Located nearby, this natural wonder offers breathtaking views and hiking opportunities. Follow the trails along the river, pass through rocky cliffs, and enjoy the tranquility of this picturesque gorge.
  • Carcassonne: A short drive away, you'll find the renowned medieval fortress city of Carcassonne. Step back in time as you wander through its well-preserved walls, explore the narrow streets, and visit the iconic Château Comtal.
  • Minerve: Venture to the historic village of Minerve, perched on a rocky outcrop. Besides its charming streets and medieval buildings, this village offers stunning views of the surrounding vineyards and the deep limestone gorge.
  • Lac de Jouarres: Enjoy a day by the lake located near Homps, where you can swim, sunbathe, or engage in water activities like paddleboarding or kayaking. The tranquil setting provides a perfect spot for relaxation.
  • Le Moulin de Trèbes: This historical watermill located in Trèbes, just a short drive away, showcases traditional milling techniques. Take a guided tour to learn about the mill's history and witness the machinery in action.
  • Domaine de l'Hortus: Wine enthusiasts can visit this renowned vineyard located in the Languedoc region. Take a guided tour, taste their exceptional wines, and soak in the beautiful views of the vineyards and the Hortus Mountain. 10. Fontfroide Abbey: Located near Narbonne, this Cistercian abbey is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. Explore the abbey's beautiful gardens and visit the impressive church, which is adorned with stunning stained glass windows. These attractions near Rieux-Minervois offer a combination of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty and charm of southern France.

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