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Annick Adam
44 Avenue Jf Kennedy
Perros Guirec


6 reviews

Price per night:

price from €58




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Description for B&B:

The accommodation at Annicks is situated in the renowned city of hydrangeas. We offer three rooms starting from 58 euros, each featuring a delightful glimpse of the sea in a tranquil neighborhood. The three bedrooms share a bathroom and toilet facilities. Additionally, you will have access to a charming small garden.


Appréciations pour Chez Annick, Perros Guirec:

avis suite à séjour en chambre d hote
Review by: lefebvre philippe, Juil 10 2023 7:54AM
tres bien accueil parfait, petit déjeuné copieux et varié. Literie excellente. Hote sympathique
hébergement rando
Review by: Susset, Juin 11 2023 10:28AM
bon accueil chambre très spacieuse et très propre
Les randonneuses
Review by: crucifixvalerie, Mai 25 2023 7:44AM
Tout y est.chambre spacieuse pour 3 et confortable.Petit déjeuner très bien et Annick à l'écoute.
Séjour formidable
Review by: Bond, Aou 12 2017 2:04PM
J'ai passé une agréable nuit.Le matelas est confortable, le petit déjeuner est copieux.
L'hôte est très charmante.
La côte de granite rose est magnifique, les vagues qui tapent sur les rochers ...
Je vous recommande cette chambre d'hôte car, le prix n'est pas très cher !!!
super séjour
Review by: Lory, Juil 9 2017 3:13PM
très bon accueil de la part d'Annick, elle vous fera découvrir sa région et saura vous conseiller. C'est une adresse que je recommande vivement avec un tarif très attractif et une bonne situation géographique
Perros sans se ruiner
Review by: idelovici, Oct 5 2016 9:04PM
Annick est très sympa. , garage pour nos vélos, bien placé pour aller manger à pied. et quartier calme. Bon petit déjeuner

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 58 65




  • Ploumanac'h: Located just 4 kilometers away, Ploumanac'h is famous for its stunning pink granite rock formations and beautiful coastal scenery. Visitors can enjoy hiking trails, explore the lighthouse, and relax on the picturesque beaches.
  • Île de Bréhat: A short boat ride away from Perros-Guirec, Île de Bréhat is a charming island known for its colorful flowers, traditional houses, and car-free environment. Visitors can explore the island's botanical garden, visit the 13th-century church, and enjoy scenic walks.
  • Côte de Granit Rose: Stretching along the coast from Perros-Guirec to Trébeurden, Côte de Granit Rose offers breathtaking views of pink granite cliffs, hidden coves, and sandy beaches. It is a popular destination for hiking, photography, and water activities such as kayaking and sailing.
  • Château de Tonquédec: Situated approximately 12 kilometers from Perros-Guirec, Château de Tonquédec is a medieval castle surrounded by lush greenery. Visitors can explore the ruins, walk along the castle walls, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Plougrescant: Located about 20 kilometers away, Plougrescant is a quaint village known for its unique coastal landscape. The famous house stuck between two rocks, called "Maison Entre les Rochers," is a must-see attraction. The village also offers beautiful beaches and scenic coastal walks.
  • Trégastel: Situated just 5 kilometers from Perros-Guirec, Trégastel is a seaside resort known for its beautiful beaches and natural sites. Visitors can explore the tropical aquarium, enjoy water sports, and relax in the crystal-clear waters of the Pink Granite Coast.
  • Jardin Georges Delaselle: Located on Île de Batz, accessible by boat from Roscoff, Jardin Georges Delaselle is a botanical garden featuring a wide variety of exotic plants. Visitors can take guided tours to learn about the different plant species and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the gardens.
  • Sentier des Douaniers: Also known as the Customs Officer's Path, this coastal hiking trail offers breathtaking views of the Pink Granite Coast. The trail starts in Perros-Guirec and stretches along the coast, allowing visitors to discover hidden beaches, rock formations, and stunning panoramas.
  • Aquarium Marin de Trégastel: Situated in Trégastel, this aquarium showcases a diverse collection of marine life, including colorful fish, sea turtles, and sharks. Visitors can explore various themed areas, attend feeding sessions, and learn about marine conservation. 10. Château de Rosanbo: Located approximately 25 kilometers from Perros-Guirec, Château de Rosanbo is an elegant Renaissance-style castle surrounded by beautiful gardens. Visitors can take guided tours to admire the grand interiors, learn about the castle's history, and explore the surrounding parkland.

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